Crucio and The Potion

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You had been speaking to the twins in between lessons, they wanted to brew an ageing potion to submit their names into the goblet. Knowing Snape didn't hate you, they wanted you to help and gather the ingredients.

"Say I get them. What's in it for me?" You asked.

"Anything you want." George said.

"Anything I want?" You raised an eyebrow.

"We won't prank you ever again." Fred stated.

"You wouldn't dare to do that anyway. Fine I'll do it. And I will figure out what I want at some point." You stood up and closed your book, walking towards your first DADA lesson.

There had been talk that Moody was teaching all fourth years and up a pretty distressing lesson. You didn't think it would be too bad, it could be a bit strange maybe.. you didn't trust Moody.

You sat in the class, sitting next to Fred, on the table next to George and Lee. Usually Charlotte and Angelina would sit in the row next to you, but they were at the back. Instead sat Adrian and Marcus. You always tried to avoid Marcus, he was a bit of a creep when it came down to things.

"Something on your mind darling?" Fred asked leaning closer to your ear.

"Yes actually. Angelina, she's avoiding me and being all bitchy but won't tell me why."

"Just ignore it y/n, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." He added.

Moody soon stormed into the room and began introducing himself to the class, in quite a passive way.

"I'm sure you've heard, we will be doing a practical lesson. No questions, you answer, I show." He was quite demanding, eyeing down the whole classroom. He had a large box filled with strange looking creatures.

"The three Unforgivable Curses. Name them. Y/n Bardot, name me one." You knew them all, one more than you would like to admit.

"The killing curse sir."

"Starting off with the worse one, I like your way of thinking. I'll keep that one to the end."

He wrote up the curse onto a whiteboard.

"Another one. Miss Martians." He asked a gryffindor girl.

"The Imperius curse."

"Perfect, engorgio." He hit the creature with a spell making it grow. "Imperio" Moody struck the creature with one of the unforgivable curses. He began flicking it around the room, making it go on people.

He made it fall onto your hand, it was quite a nice creature- all bug features aside. You noticed Fred and Adrian admiring how you were looking at the creature.

"Like it do you Mr Pucey, here have it." Moody flicked the wand and made it go onto Adrians face, he looked terrified. You laughed as he freaked out.

He demonstrated how the bug couldn't die, explaining how many people say they are usually under that curse when doing bad things for you know who.

"Next! Mr Pucey. Fancy telling me the last one we need to list." He said peering at Adrian.

Fred's POV
"The cruciatus curse." Pucey replied.

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