Kicked off

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It was the day of the first inter house quidditch match, gryffindor vs slytherin. You had barely seen Fred during the day or during any of his spare time, he was either working hard with George or practising quidditch  with Angelina and the rest of the team.

Fred never came to bed with you the previous night, after saying he would. You were awake quite early from a dream and decided to go an investigate. You walked out of the girls dorms and towards the boys ones. As you were walking through you saw Fred passed out on the sofa.

You slowly made your way down to where he was. You moved some of his hair off his temple and lightly kissed it.

"Freddie." You whispered.

He groaned and shifted.

"Do you not want to get to your bed?" You asked. He didn't get up however. He lifted both his arms up, signalling you to lay on the sofa with him. You were still quite tired so you obeyed, laying with him on the sofa. You knew he already was fast asleep again, you dozed off soon after.

Later in the morning you were awoken by a clicking sound, coming from a camera. You squinted and slowly opened your eyes, rubbing them. You saw Lee and George standing in front of you with you camera taking picture of you laying with Fred.

"Why'd you do that?" You asked, slowly getting up from the sofa.

"You looked so cosy, and I know you like photos of things you care about so." Lee handed you the picture.

You looked down and smiled at the photo, Fred's arm was holding your back as you laid on top of him a little- sleeping.

Fred was now properly waking up. You ran your fingers through his hair as he was coming to his senses.

"Morning sleepy head." You said smiling down at him.

"Morning." He was rubbing his eyes. God I love his morning raspy voice.

"So why were you sleeping down here? Did you break your bed?" George started to laugh at himself.

"No." You rolled your eyes, "I was looking for Fred and he was passed out on the sofa and wanted me to join him, have you got an issue with that Georgie?" You innocently asked.

"You two are so gross." George huffed sitting down.

"Should you not all be getting ready? You have quidditch remember."

"I mean probably, we don't have to be down though for a little while." You knew Fred was scheming something.

"I need to go for a shower." George said, pushing himself off the chair.

"I need to go and find the girl I'm meant to be tutoring tomorrow, she might be downstairs." Lee was already dressed and ready for the day.

"Okay, if I don't see you before the match Lee, good luck in your commentary box." You shouted as he left.

George was now going up the stairs for a shower.

"Fancy a shower darling?" Fred asked standing in front of you holding out his hand.

"Sure." You took his hand and followed behind him to your dorm.

You entered and went straight into the bathroom, standing at the sink and brushing your teeth. Fred now kept a toothbrush in your bathroom for when he slept there.

You walked over to the shower and turned on the water. You slowly began taking off your clothes, turning and seeing Fred doing the same thing.

You got into the shower, soaking your hair in water and letting the water cover your body. You felt Fred presence behind you. You took your shampoo and began rubbing it through your hair. Fred held out his hand for some too, washing his hair.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now