"Darling, it's time"

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May 1st 1998
Fred had woken up before you, lively as ever. He had tried to make a hot chocolate for you as a little sweet treat for the morning. It was safe to say he put in a little too much water- but he tried at least.

"Morning darling." He said, tiredness still somewhat filling his voice.

"Good morning freddie." You replied, stretching.

"Did you sleep well?" He got back into the sheets with you.

"I slept great, had a strange dream though." You sat up more.

"What about?" He asked.

"I don't know, it was just me alone. Isolated almost. Like something was taken from me and I couldn't get it back. It was strange to say the least." You took another slight sip of your drink and got yourself back into the sheets fully.

"Sound a bit, George was talking about the plan for going out later. Is that still on?" He queried.

"What going out to the games store?"

"Yeah, however don't forget we all have to do our weekly practices." You had been training everyone, including yourself, while in the house. Practising new spells in hope that if anything bad was to happen everyone could protect themselves. It was beginning to feel somewhat pointless though. No one was able to use these spells or this practice because there was nothing to be using it on other than the practice dummy's you had.

Everybody's magic skills had definitely improved though, there was absolutely no doubt in your mind about it. You were mastering some spells that you didn't even know about with complete ease.

"Can we do that after we get the games please?" He begged, smiling and looking into your eyes. Knowing you were weak to him.

"Yes okay. We can go off later on, I want to just relax for now." You slid back down under the sheets to feel the warmth.

Fred did the same and held out one of his arms for you to lay on. He held you close to him, stroking your forearm with his thumb.

"Imagine telling 11 year old Fred Weasley and y/n Bardot that we would be here around 9 years after we met." You said, once again reflecting on your journey.

"I was convinced at that point I wasn't going to get a girlfriend until I was 40." Fred chuckled.

"What and I changed your mind." You teased.

"Honestly, I can't imagine myself paired with anyone else. I haven't had another girlfriend ever and I'm glad. From the first day that lee bring you over to us I knew we would get along."

"I was convinced I wouldn't feel love. As cheesy as it sounds I felt the bare minimum when it came down to love and I never realised how strange it was until I stepped foot into your house and saw your family. It may be a little chaotic at times, but you are a family." You reflected on the difference on what family was in your household to theirs, "that's all I've ever really wanted. Was to be loved. And I got hurt on the way, I wanted to give up on the concept. But now look at me. I am deeply and utterly in love with you." You looked up at Fred, he was looking down at you listening intently to your words about how much you loved him.

"I am deeply and utterly in love with you too y/n Bardot." He was still smiling uncontrollably. He leant his head down and gave you a small kiss, "and I will love you forever."

"I will love you forever too."

You enjoyed moments spent with Fred like this more than anything in the world. You were intimate with each other, emotionally.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now