Reading Revelations

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You had heard that Harry was still in detention. He missed his quidditch seeker tryouts, which had everyone nervous. Both the twins made the team again with flying colours. You had also learned that Ron had made the team, being the new keeper, you were extremely happy for him.

As you sat within the great hall eating breakfast you heard a fair bit of arguing in the halls. You walked out and saw Umbridge and Mcgonagall.

"I am merely requesting, when it comes to my students you conform to the prescribed disciplinary actions." Mcgonagall said.

"So silly of me but it sounds that you're questioning my authority in my own classroom." She took one step up to try overpower Mcgonagall, "Minerva."

"What's this all about?" George asked.

"Umbridge being a bitch." You simply stated. You knew that Harry had obviously reported her ways of discipline.

"Not at all." She also took a step up, "Delores. Merely your medieval methods."

"I am sorry dear, but to question my practice to question the ministry. And by extension, the minister himself. I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty."

"Is she joking?" You asked.

"I doubt it." Fred replied.

"Disloyalty?" Mcgonagall asked, clearly in shock.

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want me to take immediate action." Umbridge said to all the people watching. She walked up the stairs.

"She has a plan." Lee said watching her.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"She's going to go suck up to fudge and change things, I'm telling you." He turned around and walked back into the great hall, George followed.

"Y/n, I've been meaning to ask. How have you been?" Fred asked.

"Why do you ask?" You replied, feeling quite confused.

"I like to know you're doing okay. I know this past year not treated you well so I like to check."

"Let's not dawn on the bad things. But I'm fine, thanks for asking. Now let's go back." You tiptoed and gave him a light kiss before dragging him back into the great hall.

A couple of days after the brawl between mcgonagall and umbridge you saw the daily prophet. Fudge had made her a high inquisitor- meaning she had more power over the school than she had done before.

You were all standing outside the great hall as you watched fudge pinning up a sign. It stated Umbridges new power. Sitting in all our lessons she would be entering and questioning the teachers practices, it was infuriating.

"She's trying to take over the whole school, it's ridiculous." You huffed pacing in the common room.

"I know y/n but try and calm down." Lee said, watching you in your state.

"I can't calm down. She's cruel and evil. All these 'school problems' are because of her."

"I agree with that." Hermione said, overhearing the conversation, "it's the ministry interfering. She's an evil woman with absolutely no morals."

You slumped down onto Fred's lap, he put his hand onto your lower thigh trying to calm you. You earned a few confused looks from people but you didn't care.

"At least it's the weekend. I have a two day break from it." You stated.

You decided to sneak out to go for a walk, trying to clear your mind. You saw Adrian leaning on a window ledge.

"Adrian." You walked over and hugged him.

"Y/n. I haven't spoken to you in a little while." He said looking round the halls.

"Are you on duty then?" You asked.

"Yeah, most people are staying in though. Probably to get some peace from that umbridge."

"I can't stand the woman to be honest with you. She's completely unreasonable." You felt yourself getting angry again.

"I agree. She is definitely trying to play a nice person to some, but her true colours are shining through already. What are you doing out anyway?" Adrian questioned.

"Oh, I needed to clear my head. Get a bit of alone time." You informed him.

"If you ever need a place to run down you can always use the prefect bathroom. No one ever goes in there and there's a massive bath."

"Really? I can do that?" You asked.

"I mean, if I give you the password there is nothing wrong with that." He shrugged.

"You are a good man Adrian Pucey." You said.

"It's pine fresh." He whispered.

"I'll remember that. I should probably go, we need to catch up properly soon though." You told him, turning back to go to your common room.

You had a bath in your dorm bathroom, but it was only small, nothing like the prefect bathroom.

You got to the portrait door and entered your common room. Most people were now in their own dorms, including your friends, ready to go to bed. You were going to sit and read for a bit on your own in front of the fire, but you knew a better place to go.

You went into your dorm and climbed out of your window, sitting on the roof, reading your book as the night travelled the skies.

"As I got to know you, I began to realise that beauty was the least of your qualities. I became fascinated by your goodness. I was drawn in by it. I didn't understand what was happening to me. And it was only when I began to feel actual, physical pain every time you left the room that it finally dawned on me: I was in love, for the first time in my life."

Love. It's a strong word. Maybe too strong at this moment. But you had to close the book after reading the segment of it. It dwelled on you how deeply you truly felt for Fred, regardless of the situation you didn't want to be apart. It was a setback for sure, but maybe exclusive isn't enough. Out of everyone you had in your life at this moment, you cared for no one as much as you cared for Fred. I just hope he feels the same way.

The quote is from Dangerous Liaisons, the book itself I think fits this love storyline a bit. This is a shorter chapter today but hope it still is okay for you all xo

Hope everyone's safe and well,
-i <33

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