Heading to the Castle

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You woke up, still being dark outside. You grabbed a watch and looked at the time 4:15. Well I'm not going back to sleep now. You stood up from your bed and crept down the burrow stairs, trying extra hard to avoid the creaking ones.

After reaching the bottom
floor you walked to the back door and carefully opened it, sliding a pair of shoes on. You sat and watched as night was slowly becoming day. While sitting your mind become flooded with the thought of your father being a death eater again, guilt begun building up until you cracked. A few tears started falling down your cheeks, as you remembered that Harry was in such close distance.

"Y/n? What you doing up so early?" It was George. "I heard you leave the room, what happened?" He said sitting next to you.

He looked over at your face and noticed the tears that dampened your cheeks, "I won't keep asking you but what happened the other night?"

"If I tell you this please don't think any different of me and don't tell anyone else yet, please." You pleaded.

"Y/n I won't, but I can't say I'm not worried."

"So the Bardot Vault was all my father ever wanted, getting the vault means holding the name, the title, the power, the wealth. I know that with the vault under my name I can practically say or do anything with not as many repercussions. The fact that I own it and it will never be my fathers, annoys him so much. Because no matter what he does that money will never be his. So I can only assume he wanted some sort of revenge, anger management or something. So he's a death eater. After I stunned him, I went over and removed the mask. It was him. He was trying to either kidnap me, kill me or torture me. Now I don't know what to do, I can't tell Harry what will he think of me?" You told George, words spilling out of your mouth.

"He probably wants you gone so the vault is his, have you signed it to anyone in case that happens?"

"Georgie do you think I'm dumb, I know what this vault means, people want it. It's signed under the Weasley name if something happens to me. You are all some of the only people I trust with my life." You said.

He almost looked embarrassed, or maybe grateful it was hard to tell. George put an arm over your shoulder, comforting you as you were both left with your thoughts. He didn't dwell on the 'dads a death eater' thing, you were sure he was doing it to prove to you that he didn't care, what your father was had nothing to do with you.

"I don't deserve a friend like you Georgie, you know that."

You soon went inside as the sun had risen and drunk a tea while sitting at the table with George. You were making jokes and laughing, while George started talking about the joke shop him and Fred wanted to open,

"If you ever need any help with it let me know, I can give you what bagman won't." You exclaimed.

"No y/n don't worry about it, we will find a way and if we don't it wasn't meant to happen." George told you, playing with his mug.

"It will happen Georgie, trust me."

A few days later
It was time to leave to get back to school. Molly had recently been telling you all about something happening in Hogwarts over the Christmas break, which means you won't wish to return for the holidays. The parents clearly knew but had to keep it hush so none of the children were to find out.

After boarding the train you saw Lee with Charlotte, but no Angelina. You walked into the compartment and hugged your friends,

"Charlotte I missed you!" You said embracing her more.

"Well all I have to say is hello miss Bardot, you're rich! You're definitely the richest student in school!"

"Don't remind me." You giggled before getting ready for the train to start moving.

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