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"You know I love Christmas Eve probably more than Christmas itself." George said, stuffing his face with mince pies.

"Why's that?" You asked him.

"You get the rush that Christmas is happening the next day and it's all exciting." He shrugged.

"So you don't prefer opening the presents?" Fred questioned, with a very confused expression on his face.

"Well obviously I do but after that's over with, Christmas is over with."

Fred was resting his lower hand on your back while sitting on the sofa, he would quickly swipe it away if anyone walked past.

"Kids, dinners ready!" Molly shouted, you all stood from where you were around the house and got to the table.

You sat in between Fred and George at the table, dishing yourself up some of the food Molly prepared. You began eating and participating in some of the small talk around the table.

"So y/n, how is your school life?" Sirius asked you.

"I mean it's okay at the moment-" you felt Fred's hand touch your knee, "I'm doing well in my classes." He was looking at you, showing his engagement in conversation, while tracing his hand higher up your leg, now in between your thighs.

"That's brilliant, so this new umbridge woman, how do you like her?" He jokingly asked.

"Oh she's great, my idol actually." You laughed, Fred was now very high up on your thighs, you hitched your breath and deeply inhaled.

"Is everything okay y/n?" Molly asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah fine."

You heard a slight chuckle from Fred, you gave him a death stare and continued eating your food. As you told him to hold off telling the rest of his family about your relationship he wanted to tease you about it- and make it harder to hide it.

You finished your food, "I think I'm probably going to go to bed, or just sit in my room and read. Do you want me to help you clean up Molly?" You asked, excusing yourself from the table. 

"No y/n don't worry about it, we have magic for that kind of stuff, thank you though dear. Go and have a good sleep." She farewelled you.

You apparated into your room. You wrapped up some final presents and picked out a book to begin reading.

Before reading you decided to get changed into your pyjamas. As you were taking your top off you heard the sound of people apparating into your room.

"Jesus shit." You said, covering your chest with your shirt you just took off.

"George! Eyes! Cover!" Fred shouted.

"They're closed they're closed!" He yelled back.

"Oh my god, I want to cry!" You said pulling another shirt over your head, pacing back and forth.

Fred and George were now laughing continuously.

"I swear to god, keep laughing and I'll hex your mouths closed." You threatened, holding your wand. 

Both their eyes widened as they covered their mouths trying to contain laughter.

"What do you want anyway?" You bluntly said getting into your bed, almost dying of embarrassment.

"We just wanted to talk to you." Fred said sitting next to you in your bed.

"Can we not talk to our friend, nothing more of course." George laughed, sitting the other side of you.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now