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Disclaimer: This story can be considered an au because the character relationships and certain story elements are changed. But it still takes place in the mha world and starts after the overhaul arc, everything after that does stray from the original source material.

Ok hi! So this is my first time writing an xreader story so sorry if there are some mistakes. Also this story will follow certain parts of the original story but other things will differ depending on characters and relationships. Also the characters in this are all the ones in the manga and anime aside from Endeavor. He is still a jerk but because of the relationship with the reader and the Todoroki family I felt it wouldn't make sense to make Endeavor as much as an abusive dick. So you probably still won't like him but he's not as out right physically abusive. Shotos Mom does still break down causing Shotos scar from, and some of it is from Endeavors emotional abuse but it's also from the passing of Touya. Hope that helps

Emotional and mind cell manipulation
(You're basically Shinsou on steroids)

Ok so with your quirk by looking at people you actively go into their brain and idk manipulate them. You can destroy and multiply your own brain cells along with others. With this ability you can go into their brain and do all sorts of things like look at their memories or perhaps make them forget they have a quirk. By destroying someone's brain cells you can give them aneurism type things.

The set back of your quirk is that the longer or more people you use it on you get very dehydrated. And when destroying someone's brain cells you can possible destroy your own depending on the size of the attack either way you end up with a headache. Also when you inhabit someone's brain yours goes limp and your vulnerable to attack. Also this won't come up till later in the story but you run on emotions and you can lose control of your quirk if you get to angry or sad and sometimes even to happy.

Your mother is Midnight the pro hero and you grew up not knowing your dad but you always had your twin brother Hitoshi. (That's shinsos first name for the uncultured people) And it wasn't that your mom was bad she simply had a busy job being a pro hero. As a kid you grew up going to your uncle Enjis house and training with Shoto. Later you'd meet a boy name Kiego who was part of a special hero program. (You'll get more backstory on how you know him later). Your uncle Shouta was more like a dad and you two were basically connected at the hip. He trained you and when your mom was away he was always there. As you got older your quirk got stronger and you never really had control so this made it dangerous. Your uncle Enji suggested you went to the same program Touya his son and Kiego had gone to. It seemed like a good idea until the accident. (Again more details later). Because if the accident you had to be delayed from starting at UA until half way through the year. At this time Hitoshi had also proven himself capable of going into the hero course but because of your constant bickering you were placed into separate classes.

Other things you may wanna know
Uh alrighty so basically your pretty good at hand to to hand combat because uncle Shouta would train with you using his quick because you didn't have control over yours. So you  learned how to fight with out your quirk. Also Hagakure is in class 1-B to even out the classes. I would've moved Mineta but he's sorta needed and I'm sorry but I really don't like Hagakure.


You're pretty sarcastic and rebel against authority. You won't stand down from a fight and are quick to argue. You're also quite smart though, you pick your words carefully and even with your temper you try to always have a level head. So really you are a lot like Aizawa with the smarts but you have Midnights enthusiastic personality alongside it.

Authors note
I'm really excited to share my story with you guys and I know it doesn't necessarily all connect right now but throughout the story everything will come together. So even thought this intro was horrible please take a chance!

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