The story of Keigo and Touya

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Keigo POV

"I'm sorry Touya, it's all my fault." I whisper sneaking a glance to the close empty casket from behind a wall hidden away from the main service. I couldn't bring myself to actually attend, after all if I had even been a decent friend Touya would still be here. Today we would have had off from the hero course and we would probably be at his house playing some stupid game to annoy the younger ones. Then we'd start training and he would go off with Toshi while me, pinky, and Sho started our own.

"Hawks? You showed up?" Endeavors strong voice catch's me by surprise, I nearly jump out from the behind the wall when I hear him.

I turn around swiftly trying to mask the tears that have stained my face with a gentle smile, "Oh uh hey Endeavor. Pinky really wanted me here, so I couldn't just say no." That was a lie, y/n had begged for me to show up and it took everything in me to refuse but my guilt had for once overpowered her charm.

"That's a lie." He stares down at me obvious disappointment in his eyes.

"I can't do it." I put my head down, unable to look the man I've admired for years in the eye."

"Son, he was your best-" He starts to give me the same speech as usual but I cut him short.

"He was my best friend, and I still let him die." I stare at my feet squarely planted on the ground.

"Hawks I can assure you-"

"When he was hurt, I didn't help! He was burning himself alive and I just let him keep going! And the one day I wasn't there to train with him he died! So tell me, how isn't it my fault?!" I raise my voice at the pro hero revealing my red teary eyes.

I expect him to yell at me, scream, or kick me out, but all Endeavor does is place his hand on my shoulder letting out a sigh, "Hawks, if Touyas death is anyone's fault, then it's mine. You're a child, you shouldn't be expected to catch onto such nominal things. I'm the one who didn't help when I saw how much he was hurting himself."

"But I-"

"No Hawks, don't doubt this. Touya appreciated you until the very end, never once did he blame you for anything. So now be a hero and come honor your friend." Endeavor motions to the funeral device still happening behind us.

"What if I-" I'm interrupted by the sound of a familiar young girl.

"Uncle Enji, mommy is looking for-....Keigo! You came, yay! Come on, sit by me!" Pinky runs up to me only to be stopped by Endeavor who held her back by her shirt.

"Calm down child, he'll be joining us." Endeavor looks up at me, "Won't you Hawks?"

Y/n tugs at Endeavors shirt making him reluctantly pick up the girl. In his arm she stares awaiting my answer. Looking at her give me that smile, a smile just because I showed up, I knew I had to say yes.

Laughing at my own weak will I nod, "Yeah, I'm coming."

"Yayyyyy! You hear that Uncle Enji?! Keigos coming!" Y/n celebrates resulting in a exasperated sigh from Endeavor.

I give a small smile turning around to join the service. Before I can walk out Endeavor reaches stopping me by my shoulder. I look back at him as he stares down at me, "And Hawks, I know you blame yourself, but years for now, when you're older, you'll understand that this wasn't your fault."

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