Master of Seduction

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"Oh my god, you're Hawks right! Can I please have a selfie!" One of Keigo fan girls says running up to us leading a pack of them.

Another girl runs up and stares at me sending death glares, "Is this your girlfriend?"

Keigo laughs throwing his arm around me, "This girl right here? Ha no way she's my girlfriend. This is my baby sister y/n! Now how about that picture!"

Hearing Keigo call me his sister made all the girl suddenly change their death glares into dumb sappy eyes. The crowded me each giving me another empty compliment.

"I just love that outfit, it must be new!" Its Toshis sweats and Shotos sweatshirt.

"Your hair looks so good! Where do you get it done?" Well Keigo gave me a band to tie it up cause I didn't have time to brush it.

"And girl your eyes! They're just beautiful!" Shut up.

"Thank you," I say backing behind Keigo.

"Sorry guys shes a bit shy," he says using his feathers to cover me.

Soon the girls get over themselves and they all take their pictures. Thank god that's over.

"So I suppose we should talk about what went down in the interrogation room." Keigo says as we enter the car back to the dorm.

"We don't have to," I suggest pulling out my phone.

Using one of his feather Keigo takes my phone from my hands placing it on his side of the car, "No no I think we should."

I sigh rolling my eyes, "Ok fine, let's review. I'm going to be kidnapped and then they'll take my blood and make monsters. That about cover it?"

Keigo stares at me for a second with his mouth hanging open, "Um well ok then. What do you suppose our next move for the infiltration should be?"

I think about it for a second, "Hm, well if they're after me I probably wouldn't be of much use, that and I'm not a good enough fighter yet. Chances are unless I fought and captured them, me fighting would only give them more information on me and how to capture me. You aren't a very good one on one fighter either, you'd be good on a stealth operation though. Now assuming we're the only ones on the mission we should expand the team. We need straight on fighters, and a power deflector. But that may just be me." I look over to see Keigos mouth hanging open again, "What is it Keigo?"

He shakes his head laughing a little, "Oh nothing. You're completely right though, I suggest we recruit 5-6 people. Now using your information tell me, who do you think would be good this?"

"Ok, uncle shouta for power deflection, Bakugo for straight offense, Deku for attacking, Momo for supplies and quick resources, Shoto because he defend and attack, and then uncle Enji because he's good at attacking and is stronger than the others. It's a better idea to use the students because we have license but they've also gone against the villains before. This would also make it less suspicious because most big name hero's will still be out there fighting normally." I finish making sure I've named enough.

Keigo puts his hands up in celebration, "Perfect! We'll debrief this Friday, but until then make sure not a word of this gets out. Oh and one more thing."


"I know you won't bring it up, but you won't get captured. I won't let them get you, so don't worry." He says for once giving a sincere smile.

"Thanks Keigo." I say turning to the window.

The rest of the ride was silent each of us busy in our own thoughts. Kiego I'm sure was thinking of food and possibly the mission me though, I couldn't seem to think about one individual thing. Thoughts of Bakugo ran through my head along with the events of this morning and using my quirk of Shoto and uncle Shouta. And obviously a part of me was worried about hearing what Touya said. The scary part wasn't just the idea of me being capture but the reason they found out about me. My mom had tried to hide the events that happened last year the best she could, and for the most part it worked. We knew there'd be questions surrounding the accident and I guess some info got out into the villain world leading straight to the league. Eh too late to think about the details now, what's out is out. The problem now is how stop them from capturing me. Oh well, I'll figure it out later.

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