Its Not a Perfect Quirk

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The rest of pe went by pretty quick and soon Momo was leading me to lunch. The cafeteria was pretty typical and I found myself sitting with all the girls in my class. I couldn't help but feel the intense stare Bakugo was giving me. When ever I'd turn around he be there at the table behind me just glaring. He has serious issues.

"Hey y/n, you said earlier you quirk wasn't always perfect. What's so bad with it," Momo asked sitting across from me.

"Uh well I can get pretty dehydrated and also I don't full control on all parts of it. If my emotions get too wild I could hurt people or myself pretty badly," I answered taking another bite of my rice ball.

"Oh wow, I get how it feels to be weakened by your quirk for sure but it's has to be scary not having control," she says taking sip of her tea.

"I guess, but I've gotten better," I shrug not really know what to say.

"Good thing you're here though, you'll get control in no time and I'll definitely be here to help," she smiles widely at me.

"Thanks," I responded with small yet sincere smile. It's feels weird that my smile comes naturally again. Like when me and Momo spent the day talking, seeing Shoto again, and when I beat Bakugo in the game earlier. Something about this school just made me feel a little more like me again.

Lunch ended and next thing I knew I was at hero training course standing in front of Uncle Might. Him and my mother only ever did two team ups but he was always a really nice person and would come over to my house every now and then. My uncle wasn't a big fan but to me he was funny and I could practice all my hits on him a lot.


Soon we were out into teams and I ended up with Deku the weird green haired boy who always had a notebook. Don't get me wrong he was nice when we met but he also kept asking questions about my quirk.

"So what's your quirk," I ask him?

"Me, oh uh well I, um I can kind of I guess," blah blah blah. He kept rambling without answering.

"Deku, it's not that hard. Are you super strong or something. I think I remember you from the sports festival," I say trying to calm him down

"Oh right, yeah I am really fast and strong," he says with a overwhelming lack of confidence.

"Right, well I can control minds so just use your quirk and get me close to them. I can handle it from there."

"Right you can count on me because I am a hero and one day I'll be the greatest hero ever even surpassing All Might himself," he said blabbering on and on. And the strange gets stranger.

I laugh, "well first we have to win this then." I guess even though he was weird he was still sweet.

"OKAY Y/N AND YOUNG MIDORIYA IT IS YOUR TURN TO GO AGAINST BAKUGO AND KAMINARI." All Might announced point aggressively at me and Deku.

We nodded and head off towards our directed area. The point of this was to find the bomb the villains aka Bakugo and Kaminari were hiding and planning to detonate.

Over the loud speakers we heard All Might yell, "OK READY, BEGIN!"

Me and Deku ran out into the city Deku leading and I trailed behind. He was really fast but I also slowed my self a little so set space between the two of us so he could go for a quick frontal attack and I can act as a sneak attack.

"So where should we look first," Deku asked without looking back?

"Uh well if I was the villain I'd put it diagonal from our starting point but not all the way in the corner. Because it's not in the far back which is where most people first look but it's towards the middle but not directly in the middle or on a side."

"Ok that's sounds pretty good, we can start left and then right."

"That sounds like a plan," I answer turning my body slightly towards the left.

"Not here must be the right," I said looking in the building we assumed the bomb would be in.

"Yeah but at least this areas clear let's get to the next," he said preparing to exit.

"Yeah let's go," I agree following after him.

We arrived in the next section and it seemed just like the previous the building were just in a different order really. Upon entering the first building it's like I almost felt the bombs presence.

"It's here," I whisper to Deku who's a little ahead of me.

"Really? How can you tell," he ask turning.

"I don't know I just feel- DEKU BEHIND YOU," I scream pointing to Kaminaris who's jumped out of no where.

Deku turns just in time to dodge Kaminaris electricity. Deku stands on top of the railing and I stay at the bottom of the stairs. Deku calls something out and suddenly lights up. He's heads straight for Kaminari hitting him in the gut.

"Ok Deku you go I can handle him," I call up to him.

Deku nods heading off into the building. I slowly approach Kaminari who's bending over holding his gut. I bend down lifting up his chin so I can look him in the eye. I start to activate my quirk which changes my naturally e/c eyes to a pink.

"Your eyes," Kaminari breaths still holding his gut, "they're so, pretty. I'm sorry," he barley whispers.

Before I even got a chance to say anything I felt a large bolt of electricity course through my body.

"AHHHHHHH!" I scream in agony. I pull Kaminaris hand of my arm and push him back causing me to almost fall down the stairs. I slowly start to raise panting. I feel a tear drip down the side of my face and start to try and walk towards him again. He's also breathing heavily, he probably just used a lot of his power. I lift his chin up and quickly command, "stay here, don't move." He nods his his head sitting still and I start to move further into the building.

I stumble on the last step falling against a wall for support. I take a deep breath wiping the tear off my cheek. Guess that's another weakness to add to my quirk. I push myself up and start to walk trying to find Deku. I remember him turning right so I go that way which leads to another set of stairs.

I'm just about at the top of the stair case when I hear an explosion come from the level right above me. I can't tell exactly if it was Deku or Bakugos punch but either way I had to get in on the fight. Putting my pain to the side I run as fast as I can gripping the railing as I reach the next level.

When I reach the top I see Deku and Bakugo going punch for punch. Bakugo had that face he had with me earlier, like he was out for blood. I stayed on the stairs waiting for the one moment I could get a shot. Deku would need to only delay Bakugo a second and I would be able to get in. I never turned my quirk off making my pink eyes shine brighter than usual which also gave me a horrible head ache. I could feel my body losing life not only from Kaminaris hit but from the strain I put on it for not turning my quirk off.

I space out for a just a second when I hear Deku yell, "Y/n now!" Quickly I put aside the pain again running head first into the battle. It seems Deku had pinned Bakugo to the wall just long enough for me to reach. I reach the two looking Bakugo in eye just as I did earlier.

No, no, no. Please not now. As I try to speak nothing comes out and before I could regain any form of control I was on the ground pinned by Bakugo. My head hit the ground hard making my headache get much worse.

"This is for earlier you damn loser," he grunts pulling his hand away preparing a huge blast. Before it's ready though I can feel my body shutting down, my eyes start to close.

Right before I lose complete conscious I faintly hear Bakugo yell "Hey extra don't tell me your giving up already. HEY NO GET UP. PUT UP A FIGHT. Y/N!"

Like I said my quirk isn't perfect, and I'm definitely not either.

Authors note
Hope you don't die. Just kidding you won't (yet). Anyways I uhhope you're enjoying how the story is going so far.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now