Nope Definitely Hate

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"Y/n?" I hear my mother say gently.

"Mom? What happened, did me and Deku win?" I ask confused. I try to sit up but my head is still killing me.

"Be careful sweetie you're still recovering." She says patting my head.

"Ughhhh this is so embarrassing, it's my first day and I've already passed out."

"No honey it's not your fault, I mean you're just not used to using your quirk so much."

"But it's UA I have to be stronger."

"You'll get there in due time honey."

"Says you, you don't even have a downside to your quirk."

"I do actually, it may be easier to control but everyone's quirk has a weakness."

"And mine sucks ass."


I laugh a little, "Sorry mom."

I hear the door open and see Momo walk in with some tea, "Oh y/n thank god you're up. I was just getting tea when you woke up. Here." She hands me the tea taking a sip of hers.

I put my tea on the night stand next to me. "Momo help me get up."

"What really? You just woke up."

"Y/n no you need to rest," my mother warns.

"I'll rest in my dorm room, now someone help me up or I'll do it myself."

My sighs and reluctantly helps me get out of the nurses bed.

"Thanks mom, let's go Momo."

Momo worriedly smiles nodding her head.

"Bye mom, talk later," I say waving as I walk out the room leaving my tea on the night stand. I hate tea.

Me and Momo enter the dorms and immediately the other girls rush over to me.

"Oh yay y/n you're back!" Mina squeals.

"We were worried about you ribbit," tysu adds.

The girls get closer as though their about to hug me. I step back a little putting up my hands, "Oh well thanks guys, I'm fine now. I just needed a little rest that's all. The only thing left is my embarrassment of passing out my first day."

"Oh don't even worry about that, we all get hurt sometimes. It's why we're here, to push and extend our limits," Uraraka smiles. The other girls nod and smile in agreement.

"Thanks guys, I'm gonna go settle in my dorm for a bit now."

"Ok but come down later we're all watching a movie together," Momo says.

"Will do." I smile giving a thumbs up.

On my way up the stairs I hoped to not run into any of the boys and almost made it. I failed though when running into the worst possible boy. Bakugo, cause who else.

"So you're finally done napping," he says staring me down.

"Yeah if that's what you wanna call it."

"Are you fully healed now?"

I give him a confused look. Did he care about my well being? Maybe he didn't actually hate me like I thought.

"Yeah I am," I smile gently.

"That's good." I nod in agreement. "Oh one more thing."


"So are you just so weak you can't handle more than five minutes of using your quirk or did you just pass out, out of fear of me?" He says smirking.

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