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Bakugo POV

"Y/n! Do not speak like that!" Midnight reprimands y/n, though it's pointless. The
normal y/n wouldn't even listen to her.

"I'm just reporting the death of two team members." She says with a terrifying bland tone. It's scary listening to y/n without any emotion behind her words.

"Y/n, I don't know what's-" Eraser tries to speak but is made silent by y/n.

"Shut up. I'll do whatever I need to, in order to ensure we complete this mission and it ends in success." She states, and although she's right, the things she's probably willing to do in order to win are terrifying.

"Y/n." Endeavor says her name and I half expect her to use her quirk but instead she turns facing him silently. He glares at her continuing, "How do you know they're dead?" I almost forgot that Endeavor is Touyas father and practically raised Hawks. This is probably hard on the old man.

"With my new power, I can sense those close to me. When I woke up I didn't sense them, and they aren't here. So they're dead." She explains watching the faces of everyone in the room drop as their worst fears have been seemingly confirmed.

"Oh my, endeavor I-" Midnight starts to try and comfort but is cut off by Endeavor who puts his hand out quieting her.

"Midnight please. We don't have time right now to grieve. We're proheros after all, this will happen. Instead of letting this hold us back, let's make it that their deaths were not in vain." His voice seems strong though it's clear the old mans hurting.

"Good, I'm glad you understand. Now can we proceed on?" Y/n ask her mother shocked at the lack of sadness in her voice.

I hate how she looks right now. She's fucking gorgeous, it shes no where close to y/n. She's so stupid. She's a complete wreck of a hero who can't control her power or emotions. I mean if she hugs me she could fucking kill me. And right now, she's so fucking worried, she's shut off her emotions and made this person who is nothing like y/n.

How the hell do I say I love you to some random girl standing in front of me. How is it possible that right now looking at her I feel nothing. I don't give a shit her pretty her fucking eyes are. I want to see her smile, I want her to piss me off, I want her to be her childish self. Fucking dammit I want my fucking girl friend, not this bitch.

"Eraser, I have to speak to you." I finally say breaking the uncomfortable silence, hopefully he can fix this.

"I-uh, me?" He stutters taken aback by me for once reaching out to him.

"Yeah, alone." I tell him glancing at y/n so he knows what it's about.

"Ok then, let's go." He says looking past me to the empty room we came from.

I turn towards the door only to be stopped by y/ns voice, "Ok, when you two are done speaking about me we'll already be at the mission sight. Meet us there and don't be too late."

"Whatever." I scoff confusing into the now deserted room.

Eraser follows close, shutting the door behind him. I turn around watching as he leans against the door, "So, mind telling me what happened with my daughter."

"One the new powers. She's gained the ability to have her outer mind and emotions stay within her inner head. It's made it so her subconscious, the emotionless robot girl you just spoke to is who is in control of her outer body. Not sure, but the real y/n is probably watching, seeing as she initiated the whole thing." I finish explaining based on what she said and other things I've assumed.

"And this is going to help with the mission, so her emotions don't get in the way, right?" Eraser ask thinking over all I just told him

"Yeah, that's what she said. I'm guessing she's upset she got caught. And probably worried she can't control her emotions, especially with the news of Touya and the bi- Hawks." I say knowing Y/n well enough, to know all she does is worry about her powers and controlling them.

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