The Father of Y/n And Hitoshi

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Midnight POV

"Mio hurry up and give me another!" I shouted at my much older sister from across the bathroom.

"Nemuri that was the last one we bought. Just face it sis, you're pregnant." She told me showing the empty bag we had kept the purchased pregnancy test in to keep hidden from our mother.

Sitting down on the edge of my tub I cry into my hands, "No no no, I can't be pregnant! I'm only 18, I haven't even graduated high school yet!"

My sister sits down beside me consoling me, "It's going to be ok Nemuri, you'll make it through this."

Picking my head up I turn yelling at her, "How is it going to be ok Mio! I want to be a pro hero and now I'm going to have a child! And like hell moms going to be ok with this! You know how strict she is! How do you think she'll react when she finds out I had sex?"

My sister gives me a sympathetic look rubbing my back to help calm me down. Mio was 25 and had already had one child named Yu. I knew she only wanted to help but how could she when she had her child only one year ago and already had a successful job and loving husband. I hadn't even started my career yet and at this rate I may never get the chance to be a pro hero.

And not to mention my overbearing mother. I love her of course but god, she's so controlling. She always wanted me in prissy little outfits that showed absolutely no skin. In my opinion I should have the right to show off the goods. But when I told her that, she said and that's how young girls like you end up with children. I don't want to even imagine having to tell her about this.

And oh god how am I going to even show my face around school. In fact how will I even do school? I can't go being a hero while pregnant. For the first few months maybe but after a while all I be able to do is normal classes. Surely everyone will see I'm pregnant by the second semester. And then by the time I graduate I'll have to do it with a baby in my arms! Maybe I should just end it now before I even tell mom. My sister can definitely find someone who does abortions, and then bam problem solved! Yeah that's what I'll-

"I think mom will be mad but she'll love you anyways. She always says that, no matter how mad she gets she'll still love and care for us. Plus you know how much she wants more grandchildren. I'm not planning on having more kids for at least another year and she probably won't expect her next to be your child but she'll love that grand baby just as much as she loves us." My sister stops my train of thought almost as if she knew what I was thinking.

Conflicted I ask her, "So you think I should keep it?"

My sister gives a reassuring nod, "Why not? I mean mom isn't even 50 yet so surely she can help out. She's been very lonely these past years with you busy with school and dad gone."

My sister did have a point, she was only 23 when she had my sister with our father who sadly passed away four years ago due to a villain attack. My mom always loves to bring up that I'm the spitting image of our father especially when I get in my hero uniform. My dad happened to be a pro hero and had all most the exact same quirk I did expect her shot sleeping poison in the form of liquid from his hands. But four years ago he got into a fight with a very powerful villain who in the end he took down but at the cost of his life. That was the year I had decided I was going to be a hero in honor of him, and so next thing you knew I had applied to UA.

This whole pregnancy however was certainly putting a wrench in things. But like my father had always said, "Now young Nemuri, if you ever feel you've made a mistake do not fear, because the only mistake you will make is if you choose to not turn your first mistake into something great." While I had never planned on having children I know how much I would regret letting this child go, so for my fathers sake I'll keep this child. Feeling confident I look at my sister boasting a smile, "Yeah you're right. I'll have the baby."

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