Bonus: The Wedding Pt 1

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This takes place 6 years after the main story. Y/n is 22 and Bakugo is 23. It's around the middle of June.


"Katsu!" I say hearing the front door open. I run through my house to the front. There looking tired and dirty stands Katsuki, just arriving home after an eight day long mission.

"Y/n wait before y-"

Ignoring him I sprint into his arms nearly knocking him over, "KATSU YOU'RE HOME!"

" eyes!." Katsuki yells falling over with me in his arms

He lays on the ground and after taking a breath looks up at me, annoyed. I smile brightly at him just happy to see his face, "Sorry, I'm just excited to see my future husband."

Katsuki rolls his eyes at my comment, "You're never going to stop bringing that up are you?"

"If you didn't want me to talk about then you shouldn't have given me this." I laugh holding up my engagement ring. He actually proposed to me on my 21st birthday last year and we planned for a winter wedding but of course work got in the way. This time though, our agency, which is made from my graduating class, worked hard to find other agencies willing to take over our workload for a week in order for us to have our wedding.

It wasn't exactly shocking that our previous plans were ruined, right out of high school Katsuki made his way into the top ten in the rankings. As it stands now he's number three behind Keigo and Uncle Enji. Shoto was 4 and I was 5, I do however wish I was a little lower because it's pretty annoying having the whole country talk about your eyes. Ever since they turned pink permanently I've slowly gotten used to the compliments but I wish people focused more on my actual hero work and less on how pretty they thought my eyes were.

Katsuki eyes the ring which looks a lot like the same one he got me for my 16th birthday. It was made by the same people after all, and it served the same purpose. Even though I had gained control over my emotions, in most instances that is, he liked the idea that even if we separated for missions we'd still be connected through the ring. And I couldn't agree more.

Katsuki POV

Damn. 6 whole years and she never once got less pretty. And never once did I love her less. The way she smiles and laughs, god I feel pathetic still obsessing over her. Part of me doesn't feel pathetic though because just this past December y/n won Japans prettiest hero for the 6 year in a row. Countless men tried to hit on her, and even some women, but never once did it falter the fact that she was mine. So all the fuckers can chase her all they want, but come two days from now and she'll be wearing my name.

Y/n Bakugo. The day after we got engaged that's all she said, and though I told her it was annoying a part of me loved hearing the sound of it. God, I really don't sound like Bakugo from 6 years ago. Not only had she softened me but y/n also got me a better ranking in the hero ranks. When with her I couldn't act like my usual self because it would lower her rank and I didn't want that for her. And then eventually I myself became less loud and obnoxious. When I was pissed off I just avoided the public and when I was in a better mood I'd walk in town and sometimes I'd even sign a signature or two. And that's called character growth.

That being said, not all parts of my old self had faded. I scoff turning away from y/n as she holds up her ring, "Maybe I shouldn't have."

"Katsuuuuuu...." She hums moving so close that our noses graze each other and I can fully take in her scent I've missed so much. Dammit. Why'd she have to say my name like that?

"Baby, I just got home. Give me like five minutes to get settled." I say not realizing until after I said that I let a pet name slip out of my mouth. Fucking love, what a cursed disease.

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