He Scared Me?

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"Bu-bu-but by the time the ambulance was here they- they were go-go-gone. They were gone." I sob into my hands finally explains everything to Bakugo.

Even if I had the power to I couldn't bring myself to look at Bakugo. I let my head turned the whole time and by the end I was sobbing into my own hands. I was just waiting for him to yell, to call me a murderer and storm out. I mean he wouldn't be wrong, I am a murderer. I kill seven people, that means seven people families lost their son or daughter or maybe their father. The worst part being they would never know the truth, they were told it was a freak villain accident. They were told I wasn't there so I wasn't attacked, but part of me wishes they knew. They deserved to know that kill those people.

"So you lost control of your quirk?" Bakugo asks no emotion in his voice whatsoever.

I nod my head in my hands hoping for his eventual yelling to come soon. I couldn't handle him pretending to not hate me.

"Ok and sometimes when you get to happy and you touch someone you care about they faint." He adds now knowing also of the story about my mother.

"Ye-yeah." I stutter ashamed of my past.

"You don't need to talk, just nod or shake your head. I'm just trying to get all the facts." He says sounding slightly angrier than before. I nod my head again, not wanting to piss him off any further.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound agitated. I'm just scared." He admits. Oh no he's scared. He thinks I'm going to kill him like the others. One day into a relationship and Bakugos worried for his life.

I force myself to push my head up from my hands. I look over to Bakugo and see he's shocked that I could face him. "You can leave, I don't want to kill you too. I'd be scared to if my girlfriend was a murderer."

Bakugo raises an eyebrow at my out burst, "Y/n I'm not scared you're going to hurt me. I said I'm scared because I don't want to say something wrong, guess I did though. But what ever, y/n I'm not going to leave because I'm done letting you push me away. Whether you like it or not I'm going to sit here and care about you."

Hearing his confession brings small sense of comfort back into my body. My lower lip quivers and I feel tears streaming down my face again.

"Oh shit no. You're crying again, what'd I do? What'd I do?" Bakugo asks panicking.

I put my hands up waving them, "No no, these are good tears, I think. Even if they aren't they're not because of you. I'm just- you're really not scared of me?"

"No of course I'm not! Even if you were some evil murderer I wouldn't be scared of you. I'm the one who told you to let me in, and in all honesty I wasn't expecting that story but I don't care. I said to let me in and you did so what type of person would I be to walk out."

"Thank you Bakugo." I say sincerely grateful. Hearing him say things like this reminds me of Momos speech when I told her about why I don't hug people or say I love you. She told
Me Bakugo cared and I refused to believe her then but now, I'm starting to think she may have had a point.

"Um y/n can I......kiss you?" He asks like a shy little boy.

Hearing him seem so shy to ask makes me genuinely smile, "Yeah you can."

Bakugo puts his hand on my cheek leaning in to kiss me gently. He pulls away, using his thumb to wipe away the remaining tears on my cheek. Seeing him look at me now I notice how much it's changed since our first encounter. The night I moved in we go into a fight right there in the hallway leading to my room. Though it hasn't been a very long time since then it's been long enough for both of us to drastically change our opinions on the other. It was enough for me let someone in.

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