Bonus: New Years Pt 2

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12:01am Christmas Morning
Dick 🧡

Hey Katsuuuuuuyy
Asshole you promised to not fall asleep
Fine whatever dick, merry Christmas love you

7:02am Christmas morning

Merry Christmas loser, I love you, see you in a couple days pink eyes <3
Pink eyes?
Look who the fuck is sleeping now
I'll call at 10, if you're not up by then, then we aren't speaking until the 28th.


"Who the fuck is calling me." I moan rolling over in my bed following the sound of my ringing phone.

(Incoming FaceTime from Dick🧡)

"Katsu!" I squeal excited to see his name pop up. As quick as possible I press answer and after a few seconds of buffering Katsukis face pops on on the screen.

"Hey pink eyes, surprised you aren't still asleep." He teases me sitting up so the back wall of his room is just barely in the frame.

"Well if I knew you were gonna pass out at 10:00pm I wouldn't have stayed up." I give him a knowing look, remembering how we both promised to stay up on Christmas morning.

"Sorry I'm a fucking normal human being with a normal sleep schedule." He tells me using his typical excuse for why he always goes to bed early.

"Oh come on Katsu, it's Christmas, try and show a little holiday spirit at least." I tell him hoping for some sort of Christmas miracle.

Katsuki pauses for a moment before letting out a long sigh, "Merry Christmas pink eyes, sorry I passed out."

Seeing him try and not be miserable is enough to make me smile, "Awe merry Christmas Katsu!"

Katsuki rolls his eyes but before he can say anything a hell from his house reaches the call, "KATSUKI GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!"

Katsuki at first looks back at the noise and when he looks back he looks more annoyed than usual, "Fucking old hag......sorry pink eyes but I gotta go."

"It's fine I get it, I'll see you in a few days." I say to him giving him a sympathetic smile.

Katsuki obviously upset sighs again, "Yeah see you soon pink eyes."

Just as he ends the call I swear I hear him yell out, "YOU HAG I WAS SPEAKING TO Y/N!"

And that sentence alone is what got me through the next three days without Katsuki.


"Dad promise me you won't be a bitch once we see him." I beg my father as we finally turn down Katsukis street.

Unfortunately I got stuck with my father picking Katsuki because my mother was with my brother picking up Monoma. I didn't even get a choice in the whole matter, how unfair.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now