The Story of a Hero called Y/n

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3rd Person POV

All throughout the world even in the darkest of corners a bright yellow light had taken over the space. People from all countries were put into a trance like state, all standing with a smile on their face.

Their minds were lit up with happy memories and all things that make them happy. Almost everyone in the entire world was caught in a moment of happiness.

At Class 1-A Dorm Room

All students from class A  in the common admiring the the bright yellow light as it came towards them.

Kirishima is the first to speak up, "I know we should be scared but something about it makes me want to just sit and watch."

"It's like I can feel the warmth from here," Mina adds.

In only a matter of seconds the light reaches the dorm bringing all the students to a stand still. One by one smiles form on their faces, each being shown a different happy memory, unique to them.

UA Teachers Building

"That light. Do you think it's-" Principal Nezu begins to asks but All Might cuts him off.

"It's y/n's, no doubt about it. Luckily for us, this means we won." All Might smiles proudly watching the light quickly approach them.

"That girl truly is a prodigy," Ectoplasm says taking in the full seven of the now yellow view.

"And she will make an amazing hero one day." All Might adds not know the real cost of this yellow light.

The principal and hero's stand by unworried of the light. Unlike many of the others effected by the light both All Might and Ectoplasm are greeted with very distinct memories of y/n.

All Might POV (Six years ago)

"Y/n you should rest before you hurt yourself." I instruct the young girl as she restlessly punches at my chest.

"B-b-but I didn't leave a mark yet." She says panting out of breath.

"Y/n if you're doing an actual mission and you're exhausted, would you stay and fight?" I ask the girl no older than 10.

"Well yeah, what's the point of going on a mission if you're just gonna leave before it's done." She says surprising me.

"But you could die." I warn her deciding to use the harsh truth.

"Obviously I could, but as a hero I have to complete every mission. If I don't die then a innocent person could." She explains making an actual good point for her young age.

I stand speechless looking down at the young future hero. I mean she couldn't possibly think like this. I of course am willing to risk my life when needed, that's the whole essence of being a hero. But her ideology takes that a step further. It's almost as if she would walk into every mission although it would be her last. I don't know if it's inspiring or stupid.

"No need to think so hard Uncle Might, you'll hurt your head!" Y/n laughs having caught my forlgnoed stare.

Ah, now I see. Her smile shows no fear as all just like usual. To y/n whether or not you live doesn't matter. For her it's all about being a hero. No matter the risk, all she wants to do is help people. I suppose in that sense, she truly is brilliant.

Present time All Might

No matter the risk. I see now y/n. This death shall not be sad, but a mark of happiness that you fulfilled your dream as a hero. Nicely done.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now