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Backflash 16 years ago Aizawa POV

"Uh alright. I-I....I won't hurt her or anything right?" I ask Nemuri looking down at the loudly crying baby in her arms. Normally Nemuri would have used her quirk but she was too exhausted to even release it, so I forged I should help as much as I could. Being completely honest though, I had no idea how to handle children. The idea of holding a baby terrifies me, but Nemuri is one of my closest friends and if I truly want to be a hero I can't go leaving a friend to struggle.

"Oh no just support her head." She says exhaustedly punching up her arm for me to grab the newborn.

Reaching down hesitantly I listen to exactly what Nemuri said making sure to keep much support on y/ns small little head. I pick her up letting her rest in my arms. I keep myself calm not letting the loud sound of her cries distract me.

Once she's actually settled in my arms I almost feel like I'm dreaming when I here the serene silence now in the room. Looking down I see that y/n had in fact stopped crying and this was indeed not a dream. I couldn't believe it, from what Mio told me this little one hadn't stopped since she was born.

Happy enough my joy becomes even larger when I see the small smile form on y/ns lips. Overjoyed I feel one form on my face as well. She had bright pink eyes, much like the build board in the main city. But her smile, that was truly beautiful. It didn't completely resemble her mothers but there were definitely similarities. That's what made it so special though, even though it reminded me of Nemuri it was original. And that smile was enough to light up the whole room.

"Oh my god, she's quiet." Nemuri says doubtfully looking up.

I just barely meet her gaze before truly realize what I'm doing competently,"Holy shit Nemuri I'm holding a baby." Not only that, but I was smiling while doing it. I'm not sure how much Nemuri wants me in these kids lives, but now after being here and seeing them both so close I'm starting to realize just how much I want to help my dear friend and her kids.

About ten months later

"I can't believe we're actually here." Hizashi states taking a seat down to the left of me. Before both our eyes was the casket which was supposed to hold our dear friend Oboro, he had died in a villain attack which I also happened to be present. Since that day I had barely spoken and would only leave my house if very necessary. The only people I saw were Nemuri and Hizashi, everyone else just didn't understand. Speaking of Nemuri, I wonder where she is?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" The sound of that familiar cry answers my question. To confirm my thought I turn around and sure enough there is a very tired Nemuri carrying two one year-old babies. Toshi was quiet like normal and y/n of course was making her presence known.

Holding back a yawn Nemuri takes a seat to my right with what looks to be tears in her eyes. The sad thing is I can't tell if those are tears of mourning or exhaustion. Perhaps it's both. I look down at the the crying baby but can't bring myself to be the usually happy uncle I am.

However my feelings towards the two small babies outweighed my sadness and as usual I found Nemuri without a word handing me the pink eyed baby. Also like usual as soon as she is placed on my lap y/n is as calm as could be.

Now that's she quiet Oboros family takes that as a signal to begin the ceremony. As members of his family speak I find myself sinking deeper and deeper into a depressive state. I'm not one who usually cries but I could start to feel tears swell up in my eyes. Before getting a chance to truly cry I feel a small tug at the bottom of my tie. When I look down I'm greeted with y/ns huge pink eyes staring wide eyed at me. For a moment we just stare at each other before she shows off her hide beautiful smile and babbles a little before looking back down. Although I knew she couldn't speak yet I could swear I heard in her small babble the words, "be happy." And for the rest of that day,not a single tear was shed from me.

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