Don't Worry

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"Mommy school is having a special dance! Can I go?" I asked excitedly in the backseat of my moms car.

"Well honey what type of special dance is it?" She asks looking at me through the mirror

"I don't know but here's the paper, I didn't read it yet. I was just so excited to hear about a dance!" I squeal showing up the paper.

Through the mirror I see my moms face drop, "Oh baby I'm sorry but I just don't think you can go."

"Why mommy, all the other girls in my class are."

My mom pulls into the driveway at my uncle shoutas place. She says nothing as she walks around to get me out.

Getting annoyed I ask again, "Mom why can't I go?"

"Where can't you go y/n?" My uncle asks walking out.

"She's being stupid as usual." My brother Hitoshi states walking into the house.

"Hey Hitoshi! I'm not being stupid I just want to go to the dance!" I yell at him.

"Y/n honey I already told I just don't think you can." My tries to calm me down.

"But why? I'm almost 6 you can tell me I'm a big girl." I assure my mom.

"What type of dance is it y/n?" My uncle asks making his to me and my mom.

"I don't know I didn't even check yet. Mom just said I couldn't go." I shrug confused.

My uncle turns to my mom who in returns shows him the paper. My uncles face drops for a second just like my moms but soon he regains composure. He leans down smiling at me, "Well I don't see why that would be a problem."

"But Shouta-" my mom tries.

My uncle looks back cutting my mom off, "No really it's no problem, I'll take her."

"So I can go!" I ask excited.

My uncle gives my mom a small nod and she looks down at me smiling, "Yes honey I guess you can."

I jump in air yelling, "YAYYY! Me and you Uncle Shouta are gonna have so much fun!

The memory of the last time there was a daddy-daughter dance played through my head as my uncle offered to once again take me.

"Well y/n, would that be ok with you? If I took you?" My uncle asked noticing I spaced out.

Panicking I get up from my seat, "I-uh- sorry uncle Shouta I uh- I have to go right now see you later." I run out of the room heading straight for the bathroom. I keep my head down not wanting people to possibly see my crying. I'm almost there when suddenly I faced with a quite familiar chest

"Ah what the- oh pink eyes? What the hell are you doing running out here?" Bakugo lightly pushing me off him.

I keep my head down walking past him, he grabs my shoulder stopping me, "Hey pink eyes where the fuck are you going?"

I shove his hand off my shoulder starting to spread up, "Just leave me alone dick."

"Like I even really fucking cared," he scoffs in the distance.

Putting that in the back of my I run into the bathroom locking myself in a stall. I feel tears burning up in my eyes as my breathing gets heavier. Damn it. Calm down y/n, just calm down.

"Haha looks like y/n is all alone."

"Why did you even come, you don't even have a dad."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now