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Aizawa POV


At first it felt like I was dreaming, surely the girl who called herself and orphan last night wasn't calling me dad. I mean she hated the idea of me being her father so surely this was just my imagination playing tricks on me as I feel to my death. Right?

Wrong. This feeling, this moment, that yell, it was real. Right now in midair I was wrapped in an embrace with my daughter. The one I've raised for 16 years, the one I could truly say was my daughter now. This I brief is one of the first times she's hugged me in over 13 years, and it felt rejuvenating. It was as if all the loan and suffering I went through was worth it, just to know, she didn't truly hate me.

"Please don't die Dad." She cries into my shoulders surprising me she's still awake.

In truth, at this moment that's all I wanted to do. My body was in more pain that imaginable. It's a miracle I'm still conscious. But of course saying that is out of the question.

Using my broken arms I try my best hugging her back but it's no use, so instead I muster up to courage and whisper back to her, "Of course I won't die, we still have to beat them."

Y/n doesn't respond right away and I can tell her grip has weakened, she's losing consciousness. Barely auditable y/n says one final thing before drifting off, "Dad, they got my blood, I'm sorry."

Fuck. This just got a hell of a lot harder.

Bakugo POV

"Stop reading that useless piece of shit Momo." I bark at the lack haired girl while she continues reading her some stupid documents the bird threw at me right before I went searching for y/n. I hadn't noticed them until we were called to retreat since y/n was injured. Then while holding onto her hand while she laid resting I saw the whole fucking shit.

Fuck. Did I really only love her for her eyes?

"No Bakugo, unlike you I finish reading through everything before jumping to conclusions based on the first page." Momo shakes her head turning over another page of that fucking paper.

The half and half bastard was leaning against the wall with no expression. He also got to see the document and I guess he was still processing. I'm smarter than him though, obviously her quirk is the reason I'm fucking obsessed with her. Sooner or later Momo will give up and accept the truth too.

"Hey Bakugo, did Hawks and Touya ever say where they planned on going after drafting the Nomus, they still aren't here and everyone else is." The fucking icy-hot bastard speaks again asking dumb fucking questions.

"Why in hell would I know that?!" I scream at him, that fucking bastard.

"You were the last to see them" he says again annoying me with how calm he stays.

The truth is I did know where they were. Well I had an educated guess, they were probably still fighting that Nomu. They've probably killed at least one now, but the bigger one they were up against is probably still going at them. That is, if they're alive.

"I told you idiot, I don't know what happened to them. They just told me to make y/n was alive." I say calming down so I don't make the other two worry. I could've told them the truth, that Nomu was ten times more powerful than those two, but I couldn't. Maybe it's cause I did it for y/ns sake, since they're here friends, or maybe an extremely, microscopic part of me didn't want to accept that, that stupid bird and Touya actually died.

"Bakugo you idiot." Momo says to me pissing me the fuck off.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME?!" I yell at her but she just glances ta y/n still sleeping in the bed, my hand still clinging to hers. She had been laying her for 13 hours, I was worried but recovery girl said she was just resting cause of how much power was released into her and then she used a big attack like five minutes afterwards. God, she's so stupid sometimes.

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