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"Oh shut up!" Me and Bakugo both yelling rolling over in my bed.

"Your alarm is really fucking annoying pink eyes," Bakugo groans.

"Yeah I know but it's the only one that can wake me up." I yawn grabbing my phone.

"We train at the same time I'll just wake yo-" Bakugo begins before cutting himself off.

A smile comes onto my face, "We're you about to offer to be my human alarm clock?"

Bakugo frowns crossing his arms, "What no, that's stupid. Just shut up extra."

I sigh at his short temper, "I was gonna say it was cute you kn-"

"Do not call me cute!" He yells cutting me off.

I shake my head getting up and waking to my closet, "So quick to yell."

"Only when it comes to annoying losers like you," he scoffs standing up.

"I really don't have time for you this morning Bakugo. I'll just text you when it's time to go out." I say looking through my clothes.

I try to ignore him searching for an outfit until I feel his hand grab my arm turning me around. Staring down at me smirks a little "So you don't want a goodbye kiss?"

I push him off me staring up at his confused eyes, "Just make sure to show up when I text you, and please Bakugo just be nice to everyone."

"Yeah sure, bye y/n." He says rubbing his head walking out.

Momo POV

"Hey Shoto." I smile greeting him as I walk in. He turns around with a friendly smile and I try to not faint right there.

"Hello Momo. Are you ready for today's outing?" He ask politely. The way he's so formal about everything makes me so happy.

I push back my blush and smile, "Yes I'm so excited. But I should warn you, Bakugos coming."

Shotos smile fades causing me to internally scream, "Oh so he said yes to y/n? Well hopefully we can just let those two have some alone time."

I feel my smile fade two noticing how he thought of Bakugo and y/n having alone time and not us. Rather than staying stuck on that I put back on one of y/ns fake smiles, "Yeah hopefully he doesn't ruin things for us."

"Speak of the devil." Shoto says looking behind me to the stairs. I turn and see Bakugo already in his workout clothes to go train.

He notices both me and Shoto but rather the usual grunt and walk away he smiles walking up to us. Wait what?

"Good morning Momo and Todoroki. I'm excited to go to the city today." He greets us walking into the kitchen. Did he just call Shoto by his....actual name?

Me and Shoto exchange confused glances before I finally break the silence, "Uh yeah good morning Bakugo. Nice to see you're....excited? Y/n is too I assume?"

Bakugo turns around with an excited smile, "Oh yeah she is. She loves the city you know, I even remember the time we were there together with Hawks. She was having so much fun, if only I wasn't such a dick that night. Today though, I'm gonna be nice all to make sure she has a great time."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now