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Aizawas POV

Damn it. I didn't know that night was still affecting her, but I should have. I should have known as soon as I said it and now she ran out to who knows where.

"Mr. Aizawa should I go get her?" Momo asks concerned.

"No." Shoto answers for me from the seat in front of us.


"She needs to be alone right now, and even if she does need somebody I don't think there's anything you could do for her right now." He continues.

"So what am I supposed to do then? Just let her suffer alone?" Momo questions.

"Momo you're y/ns best friend but the truth is you're too nice. You wouldn't be able to calm her down in this state. None of us would." Shoto states calmly.

"Oh I understand," Momo says defeated.

Shoto always knew y/n so well. And he was exactly right, even if I could fine her y/n wouldn't listen to me. Not anymore at least. After the accident she lost trust in everyone, she started to shut everything out. Even if I were to take away her quirk it just make her angrier.

Her shutting everyone out is the reason we got her into the school. We had her take a special test since the normal hero exam wouldn't work with her. I knew that 1-A would be good for her, with her old friend Shoto and all the other good people in the class.

All I ever wanted was for y/n to be happy, ever since the day we met. Me and Mic went to visit Nemuri in the hospital and there was y/n. Hitoshi was sleeping in his mother eyes, he's always been a mamas boy, but y/n she was different. She just kept crying and even Nemuri was unable to quiet her. Then I got a chance to hold her, I was only 16 but they trusted me and as soon as I held her she just stopped. That was the first time she opened her eyes, they shined with a the most beautiful shade of pink.

Although with age her pink eyes disappeared unless activating her quirk the way her eyes sparkled when ever she laughed or smiled stayed. Until the accident that is. I wasn't able to protect her that day, and when she woke up in the hospital her eyes. They didn't shine anymore, they were filled with hatred, self hatred. I never forgave myself and promised myself I'd make up for it, yet it seems now I'm the one person who can't make y/n truly smile anymore.

But this time I won't let her down. I'll be there to protect her, I'll dance with her even though I hate to dance. And while we dance I'll see her eyes shine once again, it's the least I can do. But I suppose in order to do that she would have to let me take her. Please y/n give me once last chance, just to see the little girl with prettiest eyes once again.

"Hey uncle Shouta, helloooooo? Are you there? Y/ns voice breaks my chain of thought as I turn to see her.

"Oh y/n you're back, uh I'm sorry I threw that on you before I understand if you-"

"I'd love for you to take me," she says cutting me off. She smiles a little looking at me, and even though it's brief I saw just a little of the old y/n.


"I'd love for you to take me," I say smiling a little at my uncle.

"I- y/n that's amazing to hear," he says seeming surprised.

"Eh whatever, let's just get on with class," I say shrugging it off. My uncle nods walking back to the front of the class.

"You know, I bet you even notice this but I'm pretty sure you're your uncles favorite person in the whole world." Momo whispers to me from her seat.

I laugh at that bizarre statement, "Yeah right, I'm only his niece and not even by blood. I'm sure Eri is his favorite, she is his daughter now."

"I suppose that's true but even if you only call him your uncle, he's always been more than that to you. And I can tell from how well I know you so don't deny it. Your uncle would drop everything for you and I'm pretty sure you'd do the same. And another thing, if I didn't know you two, just by one glance I'd think you were father-daughter," she smiles turning her attention back to the front.

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