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"Come on pinky hop on." Touya stares at me outside of Tartarus.

Although I was exhausted I hesitated worrying Bakugo may have wanted to carry me. I look over to him but he doesn't even have the smallest reaction.

Dismissing my typical anti-social boyfriend I look back at Touya nodding, "Yeah ok why not."

Touya smiles turning around to let me climb onto his back. Almost as soon as my head falls onto his shoulder I feel my eyes starting to close. Even if it had been years seeing Touya acting like Touya made it seem as if no time had gone by at all. And I knew this wasn't forever, for all we know by tomorrow Touya could be evil again. But for right now and right here, Touya was back and I didn't even have an IV in my arm this time.

Touya POV

I've fucking missed these assholes. I'm not really sure y/n did to me but I'm so happy she did. I felt good, I didn't have any sudden urges to just go kill someone of burn something down. I didn't feel insane, it was like everything in the past 11 years just hadn't happened.

God I wish it hadn't. I wish I never I went to the mountain that night. I wish that when I woke up I didn't let my anger get in the way and stay away from my family. I wish I had gone back, gone back to Keigo, Toshi, Shoto, and y/n. I wish I was smarter, then maybe I wouldn't be here, having to rely on y/ns quirk to give me some sense of normality.

I'm living in hell right now. I know as soon as this mission is over y/n will release me and I'll go straight back to prison. Keigo will go back to being depressed that his best friend is gone and I'll go back to being some crazed lunatic who hates the only people who ever actually have a damn. That's the harsh reality of living the way I do now. Either I'm good yet dying on the inside due to all the regrets I have or I'm evil also dying on the inside because I've lost my mind. I've completely fucked my self to the point that no matter what I'm completely and utterly miserable.

One thing however I do believe could put a smile on my face. And that, is fucking with y/ns boyfriend.

Bakugo POV

"So Bakugo, how long have you and little pinky here been together?" The blue famed idiot asks me a question, even though I've made it clear I don't want to speak to him or the bird.

"Don't know." I respond trying to cut it off there before I get pissed.

"Oh I bet you do." He says with a tone I can tell he's using just to fuck with me.

"But I don't so fucking drop it." I warn keeping my distance from him and Hawks.

"Oh come-"

"They've been together for around a month Touya." The bird answers cutting Touya off.

Touya stops in his tracks facing me, "Only a month?! You guys do practically everything together! I thought it had been like a year!"

"Loves a crazy thing-" The bird starts before I cut his sentence short.

"She's fucking clingy, nothing I can do about that." I grunt, partially telling the truth. If I'm being completely honest y/n is more clingy than Camie. And I mean that says something. The lie is that I could do something, except I don't want to at all. She's outwardly clingy sure, but I'm not much better. And that fucking pisses me off. I hate that when I train the only thing on my mind is has soon I'll see her face again. I'm fucking disgusted with myself. But I mean, when I look at her, can I really blame myself?

"Oh is she now? And you find it annoying?" He asks searching for a reaction, which he'll surely get.

"Yeah it's fucking annoying. I can't do anything without her grabbing my hand and always standing at my side." I continue lying to him about my true feelings. I tend to do that a lot. Especially when it comes to y/n. I don't like the idea of being seen as weaker because I've fallen head over heals hopelessly in love with some girl. Did I just say "head over heals"? Oh my fuck, I did. Fucking fuck fuck.

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