Don't Say I Love You

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The picture above is your dress by the way.

Authors Note since yall don't seem to understand: Look, I get it, the dress isn't everyone's favorite. It's not Y/ns either though! Her mom chose this dress for her, y/n didn't get a choice in this. So everyone changing it or asking to, I'm sorry but the whole point is you don't get to change it because your mom is controlling it. Hope this clear up confusion and enjoy reading!!

"Oh my god I can't believe tomorrow is the dance!" Momo squeals dancing around in my room.

"I don't get why we had to spend so long learning that stupid dance, who needs two weeks to learn that?" I complain think of the days I spent practicing with Monoma.

"Well y/n not everyone has a near photographic memory because of you and could remember the dance in three days."She rolls her eyes sitting at the end of my bed next to me.

"It wasn't my memory the dance was just easy to learn nothing more," I groan.

"I will say though you may have the dance down but you're missing one key thing," she brings up.

"Yeah what's that?" I ask with a lack of interest.

"There's absolutely no emotion in your face, your eyes aren't shining. You don't step with any life and when he lifts you your heart doesn't show itself on your face. If only that were Bakugo, you two would be lovely to watch," she goes on about my lack of emotion.

I roll my eyes stifling a laugh, "Please me and Bakugo would never dance together, I already told you what he said about the idea of even being asked to the dance. Hopefully he won't show up at all, I hate the way he glares at me with such hatred."

"You know I used to deny my feeling about Shoto," she says playing with the edge of my blanket.

"You denied your feelings for Shoto up until the day he asked you to the dance Momo. The difference between us is I never had feelings for Bakugo. I thought he was hot and it was nice to see him not yelling and being angry at me for once, nothing else." I shrug looking at my ceiling.

"You can lie all you want but the moment that boy stops wimping out and finally just tells you he loves-"

"Don't say that."

"Huh say what?"

"Don't say he loves me, because he doesn't. And if he did he's a fool."

"Y/n I-"

"Love doesn't really exist in my life Momo. And I know you think my mom and uncle love me and it may be true but I still think it's stupid. If you think about it love is what causes heartbreak and sadness."

"You don't ever say I love you do you?" Momo ask turning to me.

"Not for at least a year now, maybe every now and then I'll say 'you too' when my mom would say it to me but that's it. She's the only one who says it to me anymore anyways."

"I know it's none of my business but that's not the reason you don't say I love you is it, you know the stuff about how it causes heartbreak. I think it has to do why you don't hug people, and you'll never have to tell me but I'm here."

I sigh looking down, "I was 3. My mom had decided take me out for ice cream alone since my brother was with my uncle. When we got it she saw how happy I was and I guess she felt like being a mom right then and there. She said I love you and I said it back. I guess because of how happy I was my eyes got pink activating my quirk and when I hugged her after she said it. And then she just fainted right there in my arms. I cried for people to come reaching out for people but those who saw what happened hit my hand away calling me a freak. Eventually the ambulance came picking her up, later she had said it was heat exhaustion but I knew that wasn't it. I knew it was me who did it. Since then I stopped saying I love you and hugging people. I just didn't want anyone to get hurt anymore."

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