Getting to UA

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"Y/N wake up, Moms going to be mad if we're late on our first day," my brother said to me from the entrance to my room.

I pulled my blanket over my face and groaned
"Ugh can't I just start tomorrow it's not like we even have class today"

"Maybe not but we have to move in and get a tour of the campus."

"You already live there idiot why do you need a tour."

"No sister, I lived in the general studies dorms I'm moving into the hero course dorms."

"Sorry brother, forgot you weren't good enough to be a hero sixth months ago"

"At least I was allowed to even take the entrance exam"

I threw my blanket off me quickly sitting up, "Ok you know what-"

I was about to yell at my brother when I heard a yell from downstairs "Y/N, Hitoshi are you two ready yet," my mother's voice roared through the house.

"I thought we were meeting her at school," I said scrambling out of my bed and over to my closet.

"No y/n if you ever let me speak I would have explained she was coming to pick us up,"Hitoshi sighed sitting at the desk in the corner of my room.

"I'd give you time to speak if you had anything important or interesting to ever say," I said looking between shirts in my closet.

"Sometimes I really wish I was an only child,"
Hitoshi whined getting up and exiting the room.

"Same here" I mumbled to myself.

After what felt like ages I picked out my outfit it was black sweats and a blue shirt that said UA. I know I'm very fancy when it comes to clothing. I looked myself over in the mirror thinking at least I'm not naked. I could have shown up to school naked but when making that joke my mother a few nights ago she didn't laugh and my uncle Shouta choked on rice.

Honestly I've dreamed of going to UA for as long as I remember. My mother went there and apparently she had just graduated when I was born. The earliest memory I have is going to my uncle Shouta and Mics graduation but I only really remember because there's a picture of them holding me and Hitoshi. That apparently is also the day I activated my quirk. All I really know is that my mom walked in on my Uncle Shouta playing dolls with me singing like the 2 year old I was. That's when they discovered I could basically control minds, they soon figured my brothers out later when he literally made me not be able to talk. From that moment me and brother were both two toddlers with kind controlling quirks, not a good combo.

Things changed though when more parts of my quirk developed and were discovered while he had gained control of his quirk. My uncle Shouta started to train me at age 4 and he would nullify my quirk with his. As soon as I'd lose control he'd be there to stop me. So I got pretty good at hand to hand combat but i still couldn't really use my quirk. I was 3 when I met Shoto and uncle Enji because my mom and him did a team up. When I was 4 I started to train with uncle Enji and Shoto because that's when his quirk manifested. His quirk was so powerful and it seemed like he gained control so quickly. The same year I had met Shoto I also met his older brother Touya and his friend Kiego. They both did special training together and Kiego was over a lot whenever he could leave. Soon me, Shoto, Hitoshi, Touya, and Kiego all became I good group of friends.

Things however were short lived. When I was no older than 6 Touya had passed away in an accident. Its sad to say but I never really got to know him being so young, plus I was always closer to Kiego. We carried on with the group yet it felt a little different with Touya gone. That's when me and Hitoshi started to grow apart. He was really close to Touya and losing him made him close himself off from everyone. I thought things would get better but we only drifted more and before I even noticed it was like living with a stranger.

It wasn't all bad because I still had Shoto and Kiego and the group still had fun when we were all together. The group though ended competely when Keigo went on to be a pro hero. He opened up his own agency and just like that he was gone leaving behind his childhood friends.

When I was 14 I was sent to the same program Kiego and Touya had gone to in hopes to gain control over my quirk. However quite the opposite happened, I got a new skill but discovering that skill caused something I
refused to ever talk about. Because of this accident I wasn't allowed to start at UA that year so I had to say goodbye to Shoto as he also seemed to leave me behind. Hitoshi failed the entrance exam but got put into general studies. I stayed back by my own choice because I knew one way Hitoshi would end up in the hero course. We might not have always gotten along but I knew my brother was talented. But as I saw them all chasing their dreams I stayed back watching and cheering them on. I had basically lost all hope of becoming a hero until my mother told me that Hitoshi would be joining the hero course at the second half of the year. I got excited for my brother but even happier when she said there would be an opening for a spot in class 1-A. My mom explained how Nezu the principal already knew my skills and how the typical entrance exam would be useless. So instead I took a written test and did an obstacle course type thing passing with flying colors.

And now two months later I'm here staring at my mirror reliving my life story all over again.
"Y/n I swear to god get down here!" My mother screamed from downstairs, I grabbed my bag from the back of my chair and exited the room, "Coming mother!"

Short time skip to entrance of UA

"Uncle Shouta,"I yelled dropping my bags to ground and running up to my uncle who was waiting at the front gates.

"Hello y/n I'm so glad your finally here," he said smiling.

I looked up at the school in awe. I had been here numerous times before for my mother but this time was different. This time I was here for myself.

"Ugh, y/n could you please not drop your bags whenever you get excited,"my brother grunted standing next to my mother.

"Shut up Hitoshi, this is my moment," I shushed my brother returning to my moment.
"You're always having a moment, drama queen," my brother mumbled to himself.

I was about to turn back to my brother when I heard a high voice welcome me "Why hello children of pro hero midnight, Hitoshi I've already met you before so that makes this young girl y/n Kayama.

"Uh yes that's me," I smiled waving down at the small rat before me.

"Well as much as I would love to accompany you on the tour myself I must be off to do silly principle things. It was nice to meet you young y/n. I wish you and Hitoshi the best of luck in the hero course," principle nezu gleamed walking away.

Once the principal was out of earshot I turned to my uncle, "You didn't tell me he was always in rat form" I managed to say before laughing.

"Sister please control yourself, ugh never mind , uncle Shouta I'll just go with my mother to my dorm you can take y/n. I truly can't handle her anymore,"my brother sighed heading off in the direction of the hero dorms.

"Well y/n we should go get you settled in," my uncle stated going back to grab the bag I dropped earlier.

"Right, let's go," I agreed and we started off towards class 1-As dorms.

Authors note: ok hey so I hope you enjoyed getting to know yourself a bit more. Next chapter you'll meet everyone and you'll meet two very special people. Ones bakugo and the other is gonna be your best friend for the book.

Also this is bakugoxreader but it's kinda a slow burn but nr and it's also not just romance you'll get to actually learn about the character but trust there's plenty of romance to come.

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