Kill Me, Don't Even Think

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Two Nights before Y/ns Birthday

"Hey Bakugo?" I call Bakugos names as he sits next to me on my bed. He has his face glued to the laptop at the edge of my bed. We set it up to watch a movie, and he had chosen it this time.

"Yeah?" He responds keeping his eyes on the movie.

"What if something happens this weekend on the mission." I say trying to find a way to bring up my concern.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks getting annoyed. Uh no, not good.

"Uh, nothing, never mind." I end the conversation sinking into my seat.

Though I'm not watching I hear the movie stop and after a few moments of silence I see Bakugo turn over to me, "I can't read your fucking mind pink eyes, so spit it out."

"I-I-I...uh......What if they find a way to use me. And like I end up on the bad side. What will happen? Like if you have to will you ya know kill m-"

"I'll kill every single fucking person on the mission that I see a enemy." He says cutting me off. Wow.......It's not as if I'd want him to try and save me but I though that maybe it's seem difficult for him to decide. At least now I know he's strictly professional when it comes to hero things.

"Oh...ok.....good to know." I say turning away from him.

I roll over on my side but soon feel a hand caressing my back. Moving closer I hear Bakugos voice in my ear, "Pink eyes, no matter what fucking happens, I'll never see you as an enemy. If you think I'd kill you, you're even dumber than I thought. But.......but if it turns out they turn me on you guys, then I expect you to kill me. Don't even think about it."

His words shock me. It's sort of concerning how he said he wouldn't ever kill me, but it's also fathering surprising he wants me to kill him at the moment he seems evil.

I also have no doubts he'll hold true to never killing me, but this question is, will I be able to kill him even with him telling me too?

Present Day

"Katsuki please!" I beg backing away from Katsuki who looks nothing like the boy I just said I loved.

"Oh angel more than anyone should know it's useless to try and break him from my command." Aro laughs standing aside the command center watching the madness unfold.

"You bastard! Change him back!" I yell at Aro while dodging one of Katsuki attacks.

Aro doesn't answer but stands laughing maniacally letting me know that he deformed won't be changing him back. Fuck. So what do I do?

My only reasonable choice is overpower his command. But I've never tried that, is it even possible? Only one way to know.

"KATSUKI! COME ON AND FIGHT ME YOU DICK!" I yell luring him into my trap.

Katsuki who is of course only thinking of my death runs straight ahead, just like I wanted. While his hands preparing an explosion he gives me a smile I barely recognize, "I'LL KILL YOU"

"Stop!" I yell meeting his fiery gaze, but it has no effect. Katsuki keeps his pace leading me back into a wall. I couldn't even overpower my own damn quirk.

What was the point of fighting now? I couldn't use my quirk on him and even if I was to knock him out he'd just wake up and go right back to attacking me.

Had I lost? Was this it? There was only one option left for me.

"But.......but if it turns out they turn me on you guys, then I expect you to kill me. Don't even think about it."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now