Boys are Idiots

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Keigo POV

You know I'd consider myself a cool big brother. I mean growing up I'd take y/n on flights around the city and through the streets. I don't yell at her and most times I do what she wants. I mean even with this whole Bakugo thing I've kept a cool head. Personally unlike y/ns uncle I think her and Bakugo are perfect for each other. I mean he's aggressive and she calls him down, and she nearly kills everyone in her line of sight and he stops her. Perfect!

But on a real note I knew the moment I saw them together in her room that they would end up together. The way they spoke at dinner that night it was clear their "hatred" was all just a show. And guess what? I was right, because I'm just that good of a big brother.

I bet I'm also right about who y/n will say I love you to first. It's definitely gonna be the blondy. You see all her close family and friends have this kind of unspoken challenge to be the first person y/n says I love you to. They also had this with who she'd hug first and look who that was. I'm sure her parents won't accept that but it's just how it's gonna happen. Sometimes in life you need someone who you weren't expecting to just come along and change your whole point of view.

Now of course I'd love to be that person for y/n but the simple fact is that I'm not. To help make up for this I do other things. I help her sneak out and give her chances to see Toytoy. That however also happens to for me though.

Like right now, me her and boom boom boy are on our way to see Touya. This however isn't just for fun, I seriously have an idea, which is quite rare.

"Hey Keigo, do we have to break in again?" Y/n walking behind me Bakugo next to her looking away with a permanent frown on his face. Every time I look back I see him look away pulling his hand from from hers, those two are just adorable.

"Um technically no, we have to break Touya out." I tel her quickly turning back to avoid exposing my whole right now. Don't get me wrong. I would love to explain to y/n my whole plan. But I can't right now, people could be listening.

"Wait we're doing what?" What exactly is your plan Keigo?" She presses, I can already here her taking faster steps.

I laugh taking off into the air, "All in due time baby sis!"

"What?! Keigo you asshole!" She yells far below on the ground. I take I look back at her short self trying to reach me. All her life y/ns always been reaching, whether it's the top shelf, or for my as I fly away, she's always reaching. I don't think she truly sees how incredible she is. Tomorrow we're about to go into a mission where she's the major component. I hope one day she sees that in reality it's always been us reaching to catch up with her.


"Bakugo he's gone you can hold my hand now." I laugh teaching for my boyfriends hand after being left in the dust by Keigo.

"Maybe I don't I want to hold your fucking hand." He scoffs whipping his hand away from mine.

"Maybe I don't want to date a fucking dick, hold my hand." I insist reaching for his again.

Bakugo catches my hand midreach pulling it down, "Don't joke about stupid shit like that."

"Are you seriously that insecure?" I tease him watching his cheeks turn pink.

"Fuck you." He huffs looking down at our feet. Oh. He's actually insecure.

Realizing I've actually upset him, I lean in whispering into his ear, "Sorry, I won't joke about that anymore. Happy now?"

Bakugo looks up but keeps his head turned from me, "Tsk whatever, I don't care." What a load of bullshit.


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