Parties Cause Drama

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"No way y/n put on real clothes." Momo tells me looking at my chosen outfit for tonight.

"But why, we're not going anywhere, it's just gonna be out class?" I respond looking down at my clothes. Simple t-shirt and sweats, I saw no issue.

"It may be our class but it's still a party."

"I don't need to dress nice for a party."

"Do you even want to go?"

"Of course I love parties just not dressing for them."

"Ugh come on I know you have nice clothes let's look," she says waking to my closet. She begins throwing out my collection of sweats being very visibly disgusted at the amount I have. I see her eyes suddenly light up as she pulls out an outfit.

"What did you find something," I ask trying to peek at which outfit she has.

"Oh my god! This is adorable you have to wear it!" Momo turns around smiling holding up a two piece outfit my mom gave me for my birthday last year.

"Ew no way." I say refusing the outfit. It was a floral top matched with a black skirt and somewhere there were shoes to go with it.

"Y/n I swear to god. If you don't wear this tonight I will never talk to you again," she warns throwing the outfit my way.

"That's a bit far don't ya think," I say catching the outfit.

"Y/n please you know you'd look so cute. All the boys would drool seeing you in it."

"Do my English homework for me for a week."


"I'll wear it, if you do my English homework for me for a week."

Momo laughs shaking her head, "Oh my, ok fine deal now hurry up."

I smile grabbing my outfit and going to change. Sometimes it's just too easy.

"Y/n hurry up." I hear Momo say from the other side of the wall.

"Ok I'm coming out," I announce. I open up the door walking out facing Momo.

"Respectfully, holy shit." Momo beams seeing me in my outfit.

"Stop drooling we have head downstairs I can already hear Kaminari singing." I laugh trying to hide my huge distaste for my outfit.

We walk downstairs and immediately Mina runs up to us holing out two cups.

"What's in this Mina?" I ask hesitantly taking the cup.

"Sake or something like that," she smiles. Sake huh? From her red cheeks I can tells she's already had some.

"I'll pass but thanks," say handing back the cup. Mine just smiles gulping it down in one take.

"Y/n does this stuff taste like tea?" Momo ask smelling the cup.

I laugh, "I don't know I've never tried, but be careful Momo don't drink too much."

She nods taking a small sip, "Oh this is good and yeah I'll be careful no worries."

I laugh walking into the main area seeing a bigger selection of drinks. Mostly Hitachino and Yebisu. Where the hell is the water? I look around seeing most people talking with slightly red cheeks. Search I finally come across Idia standing in the corner speaking to Deku.

"Idia." I say walking over.

Idia turns in my direction. He stares a for a second readjusting his glasses. Stupid outfit.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now