Ice Skating

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"Oh my god, Bakugo it's snowing! Isn't this just amazing!" I squeal running down the sidewalk as we make our way to the ice rink.

"Lord kill me now." I hear him mutter to himself slowly following behind me.

"Hey dick! How about you hurry up so we can actually get some skating in?" I yell back at him turning.

"The less skating the better." He says making me turn back frowning at him.

"I thought you said you were going to be nice to me today!" I yell reminding him of our conversation earlier in the kitchen.

"I thought you said you didn't want me to be nice!" He shouts back unfortunately remembering the full conversation.

I stop walking waiting for to catch up. When he finally makes his way to me I cross my arms looking up at his disinterested face, "You don't smile enough ya know."

He looks down at me responding, "Yeah and you smile too much, so it evens out."

Giving him an evil grin I activate my quirk and command him without giving him a chance to move, "Smile pleaseeeeee."

He tries to fight it but soon enough a smile forms on Bakugos face but he glared down at me with annoyed eyes, "I hate when you use your quirk on me."

"I know, I know but I had too! Your smiles just so cute!" I taunt him receiving a terrifying smile in return.

"Y/n, release your quirk right now." He smiles with true anger in eyes.

"Ok I will but just don't move." I tell him making sure my quirk is still activated.

Bakugo looks down and tries taking a step but fails realizing he's stuck in place. Slowly he picks his head back up gritting his teeth through his smile, "Y/n.....I'll kill you."

I laugh at him before running off toward the rink. I look back yelling over my shoulder, "SORRY JUST NEEDED A HEAD START! RELEASE."

Bakugo immediately starts running after me sending an explosion off in the air to show his anger, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU PINK EYES!"

"ONLY IF YOU CATCH ME!" I tease him turning back to the empty sidewalk in front of me.

Momo POV

"The snow cone machine is ready Shoto, so you an out your ice through it now." I place the newly made snow cone machine down on the bench that stands on the outer side of the ice rink.

"Perfect thank you." Shoto smiles creating a large block of ice too make fresh snow cones ready for y/n and Bakugo when they get here.

I look around for something to do watching as Hawks flys around aimlessly and Mr. Aizawa goes over the ink smoothing over all the ice.

"Hawks shouldn't you ya know, be doing something?" I hear Shoto call from behind me. When I turn the ice is already finished which reminds me I still need to get the flavors.

Walking over Hawks flys beating me to the car we drove here and pops open the trunk using his feathers to take out the flavors, "Here, happy now Shoyo? I'm helping your girlfriend!"

Laughing I take the strawberry and blueberry squeeze bottles, "Aren't you and Shoto supposed to be like impartial for y/n and Hitoshis birthday? Like why are you both here?"

"Well Toshi doesn't actually like much so early this morning me Sho and Eraser went out to set it up." Hawks explains as we make our way to the bench with the snow cones.

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