A Nice Reunion

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"Do we really have to pick up Hitoshi?" I ask Shoto as we walk out of the dorm.

"He's your brother y/n." He says closing the door behind us. We walk down the driveway heading to class 1b dorms.

"Yeah but more than that he's Hitoshi."

"You two used to get along better than you and Keigo do."

"Key word being "used" to. As in we don't anymore."

"I think you guys should try."

"I'll start getting along with him as soon as you start getting along with your brother." I smirk looking at him in victory.

He sighs in defeat, "Fair enough. But still we have to get him or our parents will be mad."

"My moms always mad at me I'm used to it." I shrug accepting the fact.

"Ok but your uncle will be mad too," he smiles a little knowing my weakness.

I grunt, "Ugh fine, let's go."

"Well if it isn't Shoto Todoroki son of Endeavor and another student from class 1-a. To what do we owe the pleasure for you two to show up at 1-bs dorms." A blonde boy remarks sarcastically when opening the door.

"We're just here for Hitoshi," Shoto says from beside me.

The blonde switches his attention to me "Oh so that must make you his twin sister, y/n. You must think you're better than him since you're in class 1-a"

I laugh, "Well I do think I'm better than him, but not because of the class I'm in."

He laughs at me, "Well from what I've heard it's quite the opposite."

Feeling irritated I sense my quirk activated meeting the blondes eyes. "What's your name fool." I ask him.

Suddenly the boy stops laughing, "Neito Monoma."

"Ok Monoma why don't you go-"

"Sister please stop messing around and controlling my friends. Let him go." I hear a voice come from behind Monoma. I see my brothers purple hair emerge soon followed by the rest of him.

"I was just having a bit of fun with your annoying friend here." I say eyeing Monoma sho stands motionless.

"Just let him go, we're already late."

"If you insist, release." When I release Monoma he takes in a deep breath staring at me.

Suddenly he laughs again, "Hitoshi you lied about your sister. She's incredible, not anything like you described."

"No trust me Monoma she's nothing like that. Y/n turn off your quirk, your eyes are still pink."

"It doesn't happen instantly ya know," I tell him.

"Can we just go guys," Shoto says from beside me.

"Yes please." My brother agrees.

"What ever." I say showing my disinterest for tonight.

"Bye Hitoshi, bye y/n. Hope to see more of you." He smiles.

"Uh huh, bye," I say waving. Shoto gives an amused grin while Hitoshi rolls his eyes.

"TOSHI, SHOYO, WHATS UP GUYS!" Keigo yells running out to greet Shoto and my brother. I laugh as he forcibly pulls them into a hug.

"Is this really necessary?" Shoto asks.

"Kiego please I beg, let me go." My brother says trying to push Keigo off.

"I'm just so happy to see my childhood best friends again!" He yells hugging them tighter.

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