Bonus: New Years Pt 3

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"Ughhhhhh, this isn't going at all like I thought it would," I groan rolling over in my bed.

After around ten minutes are crying alone in the bathroom I had decided it was time to pick myself back up. So I went back to my room expecting to be alone but luckily Katsuki had decided to still stay, even though practically everyone here has annoyed him.

"Yeah, I really thought I would've left by now." Katsuki adds, though his eyes remain focused on the movie we put on an hour ago.

"God you dick, have some faith." I say slightly pushing him.

"I will when your family stops looking at me like I'm Satan." He jokes finally rolling over to face me.

"Don't worry, everything will get better soon." I say to him, a comforting smile on my face.

Fluff/Lime warning I think

"God y/n, don't smile at me like that." He says beginning to lean his head in closer to mine.

I follow his actions and lean in so the tips of our noses touch, "Oh yeah, why'd that?"

Katsuki answers with a kiss, letting his hands move under the covers pulling me closer to him. One hand holds steady on my back while the other tightly grips my upper thigh.

His kiss grows more aggressive as I feel his younger slip into my mouth. Wait what? This is French kissing right? I'll have to ask my mom for help.

"Fuck y/n stop messing with me." He hisses pulling away just to breath. Uh oh. Messing with him? I haven't done anything. What do I do? Do I call for help or something?

Panicking I just giggle, "Ha, sorry Katsu, I'll stop."

Before I time to think Katsuki moves jumping up and moving so he towers over my body. His eyes have the same look in them as when we're training, or he's fighting someone at school. Did he want to fight me?

"We about to do this right now?" I ask him convinced he's ready to fight.

A crazy smirk covers Katsukis face as he leans in whispering in a low tone, "Are you sure? I'm not sure I can contain myself if we keep doing this." Contain himself? The fuck he gonna do? Punch me?

"I mean we're in a bit of weird position but if it makes you happy then sure." I agree, though I'm still confused how we'll train while he has me pinned against my bed.

"What did you want to be on top?" He says almost sarcastically. On top? Why the fuck should that matter?

"No I'm tired it's more comfortable like this." I tell him honestly. If we're about to fight at least I won't have to worry about falling now. Quick thinking y/n.

"Good, not I would've switched even if you asked." He says raising an eyebrow with a confident smile.

I stay silent wait for him to start an attack but I'm surprised with him rushing into kiss me again. Huh? What's going on with this dude? First he says I'm messing with him, then he looks at me with weird look, and now he's asking if I wanna top, what is with this-.......oh.

He wants to do that. And I agreed. Fuck.

Katsuki doesn't seem to notice I'm completely unresponsive as he kisses me over and over. All I can manage to do is freak out. He was really about to do that. And he thinks I want to. Well I mean, do I? I love him and obviously eventually, but now? Here? No, I can't. God how do I stop him. I don't want him to get mad. But my whole body was shaking, I was freaking out.

Katsuki takes a moment pulling away having finally noticed I'm yet to kiss him back. On impulse I take this chance and speak, "Katsuki stop."

Katsukis body falls limp over me, and immediately I realize my mistake. Ok, I could've definitely handled that better.

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