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"You look ravishing my dear," Monoma says reaching out his hand as I make my way downstairs.

"Thank you, but please never say that again," I say taking his hand as I reach ground level.

"Right sorry, when will your uncle be here?" He ask changing the subject.

Before answering I hear Momo following after me, "He won't be escorting us to the dance. We'll walk there on our own and he'll meet us there."

Monoma looks concerned for a second but quickly smiles, "Oh ok then let's head off I guess."

"Um hello Momo," I turn around seeing Shoto smile taking Momos hand.

"Hi Shoto, are you excited?" She ask nervously.

"I suppose you can say that," he awkwardly laughs. Awe young love, I despise it.

"Holy shit, this is our gym?" I ask looking around at all the decorations covering the gym.

"Always so lady like y/n," Shoto says walking in with Momo.

"Shut up Shoto," I say looking at the snack table.

"Monoma come on let's get some food!" I say leading him there.

"Ok ok don't pull you'll rip my suit." He says trying to keep his balance.

We walk over to the table and I take in all the snacks. "You really love food huh," Monoma concludes watching me look at all the food.

"Yeah I do," I laugh looking back at him.

"Oh there's my friend I'm going to say hi, be right back," he says looking over his shoulder.

"Ok you'll know where to find me," I say grabbing a plate.

He laughs walking off and I return to choosing food. As I finish up my plate I turn to see if Monoma is still with his friends. When I turn around I notice him already making his way back to me.

"Wow you really were still- AHHH!" He screams falling to the ground.

A girl next to him turns yelling, "YOU JERK! DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THIS DRESS WAS!"

Monoma rolls over grabbing his ankle crying in agony, "My ankle, oh god I think it's broken!"

I take a bite of my food before setting it down and running over to him, "Monoma are you ok?"

"Y/n? Oh don't worry I'll be fine. Just a bruise I'm sure." He says trying to stop yelling.

One of the chaperones runs over and takes one look at his ankle before saying, "Yeah no it's broken. Can we get recovery girl?"

Another teacher comes over saying, "She's on her night off she's not even in the city, we could get her but she wouldn't be here until tomorrow."

The first adult sighs, "Ok someone go get a gurney let's get him to the hospital."

The second teacher nods running off, Monoma still holding his ankle looks up at me, "I'm sorry I ruined your night y/n."

I smile down at him, "It's ok this isn't your fault. Just go get better."

He nods biting his lip trying to not to yell again. After a couple minutes the teacher runs in with gurney and I watch with Momo and Shoto as the carry him away.

"Well-" Shoto starts

"Don't even Shoto," I warn.

"Right sorry," he apologizes looking down.

We turn our attention to the front of the gym hearing someone tap on the mic. Principle Nezu smiles looking at all of us, "Hello everyone the father-daughter dance will be beginning in 20 minutes. Also we would like to inform you that young boy is currently on his way to the hospital so no need to worry, now everyone go have fun!"

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