The Accident

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"Y/n, it's going to be ok I'm promise." Momo tries consoling me as we switch at Bakugos bedside.

I hadn't said anything after the ambulance came. Not only was I in shock but I had lost my voice from screaming so much. My eyes were puffy from all the tears and I was itchy everywhere from the stress of it all.

I turn towards Momo giving her a small weak smile. I wanted to believe her, I really did. But whenever I looked over at him, at Bakugos motionless body lying on the bed, I felt empty. I hadn't let go of his hand since the ambulance either. As of right now my uncle was probably talking to the nurse. Me, Shoto, and Momo hadn't gotten many details but my uncle said Bakugo would eventually wake up. He had promised me just like Momo just did. Still though, I was grabbing his hand like it was the last time I'd ever be able to do so.

Suddenly I feel a slight grip on my hand. I look over to Bakugos head and see it moving around a little. Momos the first one of us to say anything, "Oh my god Bakugo?"

Bakugo groans finally opening his eyes, "What the fuck?"

Even though my voice burst I manage to speak, "Oh thank god you're up."

"Nice to see you're back." Shoto adds sitting beside Momo.

Bakugo sits up in his bed still gripping my hand. He looks down noticing and I see a small smile play on his lips. He looks back up facing me, "You're really fucking weird pink eyes, ya know that."

"I'm sorry that I did this to you." I whisper my voice still pretty sore.

"You didn't do anything, I was just super tired." He says trying to assure me.

"Yeah," I say doubtfully. Momo puts a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. She understands how much hearing those words hurts me, not that I'd say that to Bakugo. Not right now at least.

"Oh Bakugo you're awake, good." My uncle states walking into the room. "You should be able to leave once that IV finishes." He explains before going back to speak with the nurse.

"Well that's nice, this IV should finish up soon." Shoto says relieved.

"You can go Icyhot." Bakugo says lying down.

"Bakugo." Momo says in a reprimanding tone.

"You can too Momo."

"Hey Bakugo, you know I was the one who-" Shoto tries to explain.

"No Shoto, let's go." Momo says standing up. Reluctantly Shoto gets up and before walking out Momo turns leaning down to whisper in my ear, "I know you're blaming yourself, but please don't push him away. He cares, and he'll listen, so just don't." She stands up smiling before grabbing Shoto by the arm walking out.

"Do you want me to leave too?" I ask as Bakugo watches the two exit the room.

"I don't really care what you do." He says looking down at himself.

"Oh ok." I say letting go of the grip I had on his hand.

Within seconds Bakugo grabs my hand back. "Fine, I want you to stay." He admits still without looking up. I don't say anything I response, instead I simply smile. I figure anything I say will annoy him.


"I really fucking hate hospital beds." Bakugo grumpily says as we make our way back to the dorms.

"Yeah I do to, growing up I was always in and out of them." I say without thinking.

Bakugo stops at the doorstep of our dorm, "Wait what? You were a hospital kid?"

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