Principal Nezu

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"Just let me see it pink eyes." Bakugo reaches for my shirt trying to see my injury from yesterday.

"No because it looks worse than it feels, if you saw it you'd be freaked out." I hit his hand away backing myself into a wall.

"I swear to god you're so difficult, just let me look." He walks closer cornering me against the wall.

"If I let you see promise me you'll still let me go to school." I negotiate with him keeping a hand on my shirt to keep it down.

"Why would I promise you something that stupid?" He asks starting to seem more annoyed than before.

"Promise me or you're not looking." I finally say making him even more annoyed.

"Damn it y/n. You're so annoying, I fucking promise, now let me look." He grunts in defeat.

Hearing him promise I remove my hand from the my shirt and he slowly lifts it up. His eyes twitch when he sees the wound but he manages to keep calm taking a deep breath, "Does the burn still hurt?"

"Only when someone touches it." And when I move the wrong way and it feels like someone's frying an egg on it.

"And your ribs?"

"Don't even feel them." They feel like they're being crushed slowly every time I breath.

"Are you lying?"

"Nope." Yes.

Bakugo sighs putting down my shirt, "Ok fine you can go, but if you're lying I'm going to kill you."

"Why would I lie?" I ask trying to seem innocent.

"Don't act cute loser." He grumbles looking down at me.

"So I was being cute?" I ask a playful smile forming on my lips.

"Just go get ready for school." Bakugo scoffs looking away.

"Always so hostile." I walk over to my closet laughing through the pain of my injury.


"Ok class today we have a special guest, please welcome Principal Nezu." My uncle introduces the principal who walks in as cheerful as could be.

Principal Nezu jumps on my uncles desk smiling down at us all, "Hello students! Today you all will be splitting into teams and trying to defeat me! Fun right?"

"More like easy." I whisper leaning over to Momos desk.

"Oh y/n do I see you talking?" Nezu asks calling me out.

I turn towards the front of the classroom smiling, "Sorry sir, I was just telling Momo how excited I was to go against our very own principal."

"Oh yes I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun!" He smiles in return though there's a sense of destruction coming from his voice. I wasn't really worried though. How scary can a rat be?


"What the fuck?" Is all I can manage to say watching as every team fails trying to defeat the principal. Bakugo and Deku has gotten the closest but then they started fighting giving Nezu the chance to attack them.

"Yeahs he's pretty manly right?" Kirishima asks sitting next to me as my partner.

I put on a brave face turning to him, "Yeah he's smart and all but at the end of the day he's just a- well actually what is he? A rat? Bear? Mouse? Oh well what ever he is he has a brain and that means I can defeat him."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now