He's Going to Kill me

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"Y/n you have to tell me what you just did!" Momo demands as I sit down.

"Calm down Momo, she's clearly exhausted." Shoto says leaning on his shoulder seemingly bored out of his mind.

"Thanks Shoto, but I'm fine really." I assure him sitting down.

"See Shoto, now come on Y/n spill it. How'd you do it?" She ask impatiently waiting for my response.

"Momo as much as I would love to hear y/ns response as well, this is not the time nor place. And even if it was, I believe you have a match to go fight." My uncle says looking over to us.

Momo looks between me and my uncle and then sinks into her seat pouting, "Oh fine, but later you are most definitely telling me."

"Yeah ok Momo, I get it, now go win this match." I laugh pushing her up.

"Right my match. I'll give it all that I got." She states assertively standing up.

"Who are you even up against?" I ask looking around to see if any others stand up for the next match.

"Bakugo." Momo says suddenly a lot less confident than before. As she says it I see Bakugo stand up hearing uncle might call their names. "Well here goes nothing." She says heading towards the arena.

"Don't worry, you'll do great!" I call over to her trying to give her some sense of hope. Momo looks back giving me half-hearted thumbs up and an obviously faked smile before walking through the door.

Bakugo heads towards the door only stopping to look at me and Shoto. He glares down stating, "It's useless to give your friends false hope pink eyes." Before I even get the chance to respond he walks out following Momo into the arena. My now hopeful attitude has changed from hopeful Momo wins by some miracle to hoping she doesn't end up getting hurt.

Momo POV

Ok you got this Momo. Just have to knock him down, not hard at all. Yeah, just avoid his terrifying explosions and somewhat inhuman speed and there's no way I'll lose. Oh god. He's going to kill me. No, no he's not. That would be stupid, he's dating my best friend he wouldn't hurt me.

I look back smiling at Bakugo but in return I'm treated to an icy cold glare. Oh I see, I was mistaken. He's definitely going to kill me.

I turn away quickly moving to my started position. I put up an offensive stance but my heart is pounding. Just having to face him makes me want to just quit. But I won't, even if I end up at the nurses there is now way I'm going to quit.

Before All Might starts the match I think of what I wish to make first. I ultimately decide on a metal bar because of how fast I'll be able to create it and because I have experience using it as a weapon.

With my short preparation time I've come up with a solid plan that I'm pretty sure will give me a chance. I feel more confident than I did when first walking in. I take a glance up at Shoto and y/n giving them a true smile this time to signify I've got this.

"OK STUDENTS, YOU MAY BEGIN!" All Might yells.

I start creating my bar but Bakugos already started towards me. I dodge his first attack just barely but he doesn't slow down. All sense of hope I had had turned to fear as I see Bakugos cold glare as he sends another flaming attack.

If I even mess up my dodge by a second I'd be seriously injured right now and Bakugo most definitely knows that. It's as if he just doesn't care. Like he was trying to hurt me.

At this point it almost seems safer to just give up, but the thing is I can heal from what ever Bakugo does to me here. I won't however heal from quitting, so no matter what he throws at me I will continue to fight even if I end up in the nurses.

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