Spicy Ramen

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"Yes Bakugo?"

"Stop staring at me and get dressed."

"You're the one who's standing in my room without a shirt on." I point out staring at Bakugos exposed chest.

He reaches for the shirt at the edge of my bed, "I was going to put one on loser."

"Well then do it dick, stop distracting me." I huff turning into my closet.

"Don't freak out pink eyes, I was just fucking with you." I hear Bakugo closer to me breathing on my neck, "I don't mind you staring at all."

The sound of his voice so close to me is enough to my cheeks turn red, "Now you really are distracting me."

I feel as Bakugo wraps his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder, "You get flustered so easily, it's almost funny."

Damn it. He's right, and I hate it. "Bakugo?" I whisper, his name being the only thing able to leave my mouth.

"What?" He asks, his breath on my neck sending goosebumps all over my body.

Ok y/n just don't be a little bitch. "Can I uh....wear your sweatshirt? Yours are just so much warmer than mine." I finally say knowing he loves when I wear his things.

From the corner of my eye I can just barely see Bakugos cheeks turn pink, but at least that means my plan didn't fail. Bakugo takes a second before kissing my cheek and removing his hands. I turn seeing him stretch his arms up towards the ceiling, "I don't care, just tell me which I'll go grab it."

I smile knowing the exact one I want, "The black one that has orange stripes it's my favorite!"

He hides his smile walking towards my door, "Whatever, I'll be back in minute."

Remembering something of been thinking about for a while I catch Bakugo by the wrist before he can leave, "Wait Bakugo!"

"What?" He asks startled by me.

"Can I come with you?" I ask realizing I've never seen his room.

"To where? My room?" He asked teaching for the door.

"Yeah I've never seen it." I tell him with an annoyed glare in return.

"No way in hell." He pushes off my hand opening my door.

"But why? It's not like I don't know what's in there." I complain thinking he's just worried his romance manga is out.

"It's not that, I just don't want you in there. No be quiet and stay here." He tells me starting to get angry.

Knowing I want him in a good mood for today I sigh in defeat, "Yeah ok, I'll wait here." Bakugo doesn't say anything and instead walks out leaving me alone in my room.

I guess while he's gone I should do something productive. Thinking of things I could possibly do walk over sitting down at the edge of my bed.

Before getting any real time to think I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. When I see who it is I take a deep breath preparing for either yelling or singing, "Hey Keigo, what do you want?"

"Y/n! You answered, great! I just needed to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Need help getting off school grounds?" He asks taking me by surprise.

"Oh uh well me and Bakugo are-"

"I know you're skipping, Sho told me already. Just let me help you out." He insist over the phone. She?

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now