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Keigo POV

"So what's hero life like?" Touya asks me while we exit the UA campus.

"'s a lot of work." I joke thinking of the overwhelming amount of paperwork I due aside from typical hero things.

"See thats one good thing about villains, not rules, and no paperwork." Touya laughs reminding me again he's still not the Touya I once knew.

"Yeah, when you set aside the countless murders of innocent people, I'm sure being a villain is great!" I laugh resulting in an eye roll for Touya.

The conversation ends there and for a while we walk in silence going back to the hotel I've been staying at for the past week.

You know it's weird how familiar this feels to me. It just feels like every day when me and Touya walk back from the hero course we were in together. In reality it's been over a decade since those days, and neither of us are in the hero course anymore. There isn't even a hero course after y/ns accident. They shut it down believing it was only creating monsters. I happened to disagree with that part.

"Hey Ke?" Touya says his old nickname for me grabbing attention.

"What's up Toy?" I say as we walk through the backstreets of the city making sure to stay out of the spotlight so my fans don't see me with a villain.

"Are you as scared as I am for tomorrow?" he asks stopping me in my tracks.

With everything happening I really hadn't thought about tomorrow. Truth was, I was doing all I could to not think about tomorrow. I had gone against the LOV before, and they're no joke. Y/n may be strong but after everything I'm almost 100% sure they have something to deflect or block her power. I'm sure all of us on the mission know that. When you look y/n and really think about all her power you realize she's lethal. She can kill people with one look, and make another person kill ten people with one sentence.

The real scary part about her is how you never expect it. Her eyes and smile are the best part about her but they're also the deadliest. The fact that she can come off as this small cute little girl and then commit mass murder is what makes her terrifying. And the idea of someone being able to control or block that is even more terrifying.

"I'm fucking terrified Touya. She's out little sister and you know more than anyone how dangerous these people are. Anytime I think about it my mind goes straight to worst case scenario. What if they get her? What happens then? Do we just automatically lose? Will they kill her after she's no longer useful or will they sit and torture her. I hate the fact that I'm in the dark and as her big brother I can't just fucking protect her. It's driving me crazy, everything about this is causing me to go insane. I just want to put her on my back and let her fly around like when we were kids. All of this was never supposed to happen."

Touya looks at me stunned at my outburst, but I mean, someone had to hear it. I couldn't tell y/n I was scared, she has to believe everything's ok and that tomorrow it will be over before she knows it.

"Yeah.....I wish I could just know a way that would confirm tomorrow goes according to plan. I'm just as scared that y/n will get hurt." Touya finally tells me standing on the old sidewalk as snow continues to fall as it has for hours.

"What if we can't protect her?" I ask having thought of this question a lot myself.

Touya stares for a second before he starts to walk in direction of the hotel again, "Not protecting her isn't an option. We're her brig brothers after all. And that means, no matter what, we make sure she's ok."

Nodding I follow behind him, "Yeah, even if it cost us our life."

Endeavor POV

"You can put your stuff in the room down the hall to the left." I yell Rocklock watching him enter with a small suitcase holding what will be needed for tomorrow's mission.

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