Uh Girls Night?

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"And then I got the text from you and told him I had to get ready," I finish explaining what just happened between me and Bakugo. Jirou, Mino, and Momo all stared wide eyed at me.

Momo quickly changed her expression breaking the silence, "Girl I love you, but you're an idiot." Mina and Jirou nod laughing.

"Why?" I ask confused by their reaction.

"Y/n you just got to make out with the boy that everyone knew you had a thing for and you left for what? A girls night? Shoulda just shot me a text, and I would've let you go." Momo explains shaking her head in disappointment.

"Oh I get ya, oh well too late now." I shrug

The other girls laugh and eventually I join in as well out of my own embarrassment. After we finish laughing we have a bit of small talk before Mina suggest playing a game.

"Ok but what game?" Jirou ask reaching for the popcorn set in the middle of our circle.

"Oh I know how about share or dare?" Momo suggest excitedly.

"Oh yes!" Mina says throwing her hands up.

"Well it should be fun." Jirou shrugs.

"I mean I'm down but can you guys explain?" I ask taking another piece of candy Mina brought.

"Oh yes! I will! Ok so basically in this we have a random picture chooser app that you can download and it chooses a random picture on your phone. We go in a circle and when it's get to you turn you can either explain and show the picture or you can choose to keep your picture to yourself but you'll have to complete a dare. Also you don't know the dare until you choose to not show your picture and you can't go back once you choose to show and explain or take the dare," Mina explains as happy as could be.

I quickly think of pictures in my camera roll trying to think of any embarrassing pictures. None come to mind so I agree and we begin.

The first few rounds are pretty easy going the only semi revealing one being a screenshot of text Momo had between her and Shoto.

"I swear guys I didn't even mean to," she says trying to explain.

"Momo please we all know you like him," I accuse.

"Yeah how do you 'accidentally' screenshot a text saying 'Hey Momo you did really good today, glad you were my partner'." Jirou says agreeing with me.

"Yep and then how do you not notice the screenshot and delete it," Mina adds.

Momos face goes bright red and we all laugh, "Why don't we move on, it's y/ns turn" she says trying to change the subject.

"Ah alright let me check out the picture," I say looking down at my phone. Momo says something so I look up and when I look down I shocked expression takes over my face. Damn it. God why this picture of all of them. The one picture I can't show, Shoto would kill me if I did. The picture showed me and Shoto pretty young and him in the dress my mom got me for a special dance. I don't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure he pissed me off and so I had him put it on. I smile at the memory but slowly put my phone down staring back at my friends.

"Well, c'mon what's the dare," I sigh in defeat.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen," Momo laughs.

"Oh can I give the dare!" Mina asks smiling wide.

"Sure I don't care," I say honestly.

"Ok, hmmmm, oh I got it! I dare you, to text Bakugo something scandalousssss!" She finishes in her classic dramatic fashion.

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