Ms Joke

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"Ow Momo you bitch! I'm a human not a rag doll!" Is scream as Momo forcefully brushes my hair back.

"Really, I couldn't tell from the state of your hair." She pulls back the brush yanking my hair along with it.

"Oh shut up, you're the one who insisted on doing it, I was fine with the way it was." I complain rubbing the side of head.

"Well I couldn't just let my best friend go to a fancy restaurant in her state. Plus it's the least I owe you after my amazing date with Shoto. You were totally right about the candy since it was cold he took me to his favorite candy store, and he said when it warmed up we'd go to the park because they have a snow cone parlor around that time," she gushes thinking back on her day with my other best friend.

"Glad I could be of assistance." I reply staring down at my phone to try and take my mind off the pain.

Momo puts down the brush just to pick up another. She looks at me through the mirror to warn me, "Ok now, sit still. If you thought that hurt, you're sure to hate this." What the fuck?

"OW MOMO! ARE YOU DONE DAMMIT?" I yell at Momo who for the past ten minutes has done nothing but pulled and yanked at my hair.

Momo slowly steps away from my head laughing, "Yes y/n I'm done you can calm down now."

I jump out of my seat finally free of that torture Momo called hair and makeup, "Oh thank god I'm free."

"Shut up y/n, it was not that bad. Now tell me what you're going to say when you walk down stairs in that pretty white dress of yours," she asks pointing out the white lace dress I was wearing that she had picked out.

"What's up dick." I answer quickly


"What do you mean no?"

"Be sweet and polite to him like a gentle young lady." She explains speaking nonsense.

"Why would I do that? He'll call me loser when he sees me anyways." I check the time making sure I don't end up being late.

"No he wouldn't. He may be a jerk to us but he'll be nice to you." She assures me.

"Yeah I know that, that would be him being nice." I explain to her who obviously is way too used to Shoto being formal with her.

"Y/n I think you're confused." She told me like she was actually worried.

"No I'm not, c'mon I'll show you." I laugh walking to her door.

"Yeah I'm sure you will." She responds sarcastically while following me out of the room.


"Took you long enough loser." Are the first words to leave Bakugos mouth when he sees me enter the living room.

"Don't blame me dick, Momo forced me to let her do my hair." I explain walking over to him.

Bakugo looks down at my dress sighing, "And you're gonna freeze on the way to the restaurant wearing that. It's winter you know."

"Yeah but last time when we went to park after the mall it was still relatively nice out." I smile back at the memory of me and Bakugo lying back at the park.

"Yeah but you were also in sweatpants and sweatshirt and it's also gotten 20 degrees colder in the past week." He tells me showing time the weather app on his phone for proof.

"Ahhhhhh, I see. I'll go get a jacket." I turn to go back to my room but Bakugo pulls me back putting up one of my jackets.

"I grabbed one from your room this morning, I figured you'd forget." He hands me the long black jacket to put over my dress.

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