Bonus: The Wedding Final part

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1 hour before the wedding in the dressing room

Katsuki POV

"Fuck!" I yelled pacing across the room.

"Kat just calm do-" Eji reaches for my arm trying to calm me down but I shake him off.

"Shut up! God damn it I can't do this! Do people really expect me to go out there and expose my fucking weakness!" I say having caught a glimpse of the numerous photographers earlier.

"Kacchan being in love isn't a we-" Deku tries explaining but I cut him off.

"OF COURSE ITS A FUCKING WEAKNESS STUPID DEKU........I can't let them see me as some loser who fell in love with some girl. People would think I'm weak." I tell them slamming my fist against the edge of the mirror I face.

"Idiot." I hear someone say behind me. Damn it. I know that stupid voice.

I turn around glaring in the direction of the voice, "Would you shut it bird brain."

Kiego leaned against a wall stands up straight and starts walking towards me, "Katsuki, my baby sister is no weaker then you."


"So in the hell is admitting you love her in front people making you weak? You're both strong hero's in love with each other. What's the issue?" He asks that annoying smirk on his face.

"Be- BECAUSE I CANT SAY I LOVE SOMEONE! IF I DID I LOOK WEAK, THATS JUST HOW IT IS!" I blow up sending an explosion off in my hand.

"So should I go tell her that the weddings off and that you don't love her?" He asks pointing in the direction of her dressing room.

Shit. Why was this happening now? I was fine a week ago. I was excited to get married. For people to know she was finally all mine. But now? How could I go out there and be vulnerable in front of everyone? It would ruin me. But, I loved her. I loved her more than I could explain. But......I couldn't do this, right?

"I ca-"


"ICY-HOTTTTTT!" I scream Shoto staring blankly at me with his hand still in air

"Snap out of it idiot." He says putting hand down back to his side.

I glare at him doing everything I can to keep from tearing him apart, "YOU DICK WHAT WAS-"

"You love her idiot. I've gone on almost every single vacation with the two of you and it's obvious. So stop being a little bitch Katsuki and go out and marry her. Tell the world that you're in love. If they call you weak, blast them to hell. But don't you fucking dare think of backing out now. I'll kill you if you do that to her." He says, this being one of the most serious conversations we've ever had.

I pause looking around at everyone surrounding us. Eji and Deku stand together a little shocked themselves at Shoto. Hanta and Denki also seem surprised to Shoto of all people to get all up in my face like that.

But fucking hell he was right. Fuck, even thinking that seems weird. But yeah, I was in love, and I couldn't leave her. Damn it pink eyes, I just had to fall in love.


"Dad......" I say seeing him first as I walk out of the door to my dressing room.

He stares at me not saying a word. I walk closer tapping him on the shoulder, "Dad, it's time."

He shakes his head and looks at me, "You look beautiful."

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