Bonus: New Years Pt 1

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Hey y'all, so I've decided that these chapter will kinda be a collection of mini things in y/n and Bakugous relationship such as meeting his parents, vacationing together, and some other stuff. I decided to do this because of all the serious stuff in the last chapters so this is like a little treat to end the story. And it gives us more y/n and Bakugo moments so yeah. Hope you enjoy!

"Katsu, are you going home for New Years?" I ask my boyfriend as we get ready for our final day school before the holidays.

"Nah, I can only go back for Christmas, the old hag decided to work New Years so there's no point." He says throwing on his white button up uniform shirt.

"So no plans?" I question as I finish brushing my hair.

"Nope." He states picking his bag up from the ground of my bedroom, "You ready?"

I sit up from my desk to meet him, "Why don't you come with me and my family. It will be me, my mom, brother, dad, Keigo, and Shotos whole family. Momos parents are also working so she's coming along as well."

Katsuki stands still in front of the door silently for a second before swiftly turning to exit, "I'll pass."

Confused I rush grabbing him by the arm to keep him from exiting, "Huh? Why? I thought you liked my family?"

Katsuki actually laughs at my response, "What made you think that? Your father doesn't approve of me. Your mother thinks I'm your personal sex toy. Your brother hates me, and that damn chickens threatening me every time you turn your head."

I shake my head at his reasoning for declining, "That's so stupid Katsu, my father has definitely warmed up to you by now. And my mother looks every male as some women's sex toy, she's a very sexual person. Also my brother hates everyone that isn't Monoma or Shoto. And well I can control Keigo, so no need to worry about him."

Katsuki brushes my arm off scoffing, "Still no."

He may be saying that now, but I'm determined. Annoyed I grab Katsuki again pulling him away from the doors reach. I make sure he's looking at me and I use my best move I know that doesn't involve my quirk, I pout, "Pleaseeeeee Katsuki. It will be so much fun! For the first night it'd just be us, my brother and mother in my house. We'd get to share a room, and then we all go to this hugeeeee cabin where we'd spend three nights together. It's reallllllllllly fun I swear!"

Katsuki turns away quickly from me, "Don't start pouting, making me feel bad won't change my answer. And all that shit you just said makes sound even worse, why would I want to sleep in a fucking cabin or in the same fucking house as your brother and mother."

Suddenly a wicked idea comes to my mind. I take my hand putting it to Katsukis cheek, I make him face me as a sinister smirk comes across my face, "Did I mention that the walls in my house are soundproof? My mom made them that way for when she had 'friends' over."

With no where to look I watch Katsukis cheeks turn bright red. He bites the side of his cheek trying to stay calm, "Pink eyes.........I really don't think I should."

"I think you should though. Call it my Christmas present!" I smile at him making his expression soften a little bit.

Katsuki thinks it over for a minute before letting out a long sigh, "If anyone annoys me even once, I'm leaving."

"Even if it's me?" I ask him still with my hand on his cheek.

Katsuki glances at my hand before looking back at me, "You always annoy me so no."

I gasp at him moving my hand from his cheek to swat him, "So rude Katsu!"

Katsuki looks unamused but he leans in with a small smirk playing on his lips, "Now, what was that you said about the soundproof rooms?"

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