I Gave Him a Choice

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"Ugh again. I hate this." I complain getting up to turn off my alarm.

Last night I had gone to bed around 1:30 waking up at 6. Maybe not the healthiest idea but gotta do what you gotta do. I walk over to my closet taking out my uniform this time including my skirt. I lay it on my bed and grab my workout clothes from my closet.

I walk downstairs to find my uncle waiting in the common area.

"Ready y/n?" He ask grabbing a water bottle from the counter.

"Yeah let's go." I yawn motioning for the bottle. He tosses the water and is silent as he leads me out to our training area.

When we arrive outside I set my stuff but before even getting a chance to stretch I'm ambushed by a punch I just nearly miss.

I turn blocking another fast punch. "Are you ok uncle Shouta." He grunts throwing another punch.

He continues to punch not giving me time to attack I'm on the complete defensive. He starts speeding up and I can feel his hand skim my shoulder. I'm slowing down.

I knew I couldn't continue like this and although I normally refuse to use it on him I start to activate my quirk. I shield my eyes the best I can to keep him from noticing but it seems just as I activate my quirk the power was gone. I peer up at my uncle seeing his eyes blood red continuing to get faster.

I try to jump back away to gather some time but he continues to pursue me. "Uncle Shouta! Stop!" I scream at my uncle but he doesn't even slow a single punch.

Out of breath I feel my arm lag less than second behind. Damn it. My uncle gets me right in my gut knocking me down. Exhausted from our fast paced fight I pant searching for air.

I peer up looking at my uncle. He grabs my water from where I left it slowly approaching me. I put my hands up in defense but rather than punch he hands out my water. I look up to meet his gaze which seems less aggressive than it did a moment ago.

He takes a deep breath in looking down at me, "Remeber y/n, you have an extremely powerful quirk. And you can back yourself up with decent hand on hand combat. But just know that it won't solve everything. When against me you lose your quirk and you can't defeat me in hand on hand combat."

"I know uncle shouta what was the point of this?"

"Ectoplasm was caught off guard, because me and your mother didn't warn the teachers you might use your quirk on them, since we thought you stopped acting so carelessly years ago. However we have now told the whole staff, and trust me y/n they will all beat you in hand on hand combat. So get your stuff together and start acting like the hero you want to become, not a child."

I put down my water standing up and looking at my uncle again. "So you just put me through that all to warn me that I can't use my quirk anymore? You nearly punched me in the face uncle Shouta! Besides I didn't even think it would work. I thought you had warned them because you and my mother have never trusted me."

"That is not true y/n I trust you very much, unless you give me a reason not to. Which you did."

"How it's not like I did it out of the blue."

"Then why? Do you have some great reason behind it? And do not say it was so you wouldn't go to office."

"Well I gave him a chance."

"A chance?"

"Yes so it wasn't out of the blue, he had a choice to just let me go of his freewill," I shrug.

My uncle shakes his head, "I'm concerned with how you passed the written exam."

I laugh a little "I'm just so smart everyone thinks I'm stupid."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now