She didn't even hit him

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"And remember kids the 1900's was important because-" I could barley even hear uncle Ecto talking as I started to doze off. It's not my fault though. I came to UA to be a pro hero not to learn the importance of the 1900's. As I started close my eyes I saw uncle ecto start to head for my desk.

"Is there a problem with you y/n or is my lesson just boring you," he questioned looking down at me.

Sitting up I respond, "Well if you want the truth, then yeah, this lesson is boring me."

"Look y/n I understand you're new and I know you probably feel like you can get away with things since your mother is a fellow teacher and good friend of mine. How ever falling asleep in class due to the lesson being too "boring" will not be tolerated. You may take this as a warning," he expressed annoyed.

Blankly I say "Ok uncle Ecto, can I go back to sleep now or are you going to teach something interesting." I could see Momos jaw drop and noticed everyone in the class staring at me. I hate people staring at me.

"That's it. Y/n please follow me," he demanded.

Slowly getting up I yawn, "Whatever let's just make this quick."

Still being stared at I follow Uncle Ecto out of the building.

Momo POV

"Oh my gosh I can't believe y/n really just spoke to Ectoplasm like that," Mina stammered from her seat beside me.

"Yeah same I could tell she didn't take things to seriously, but to full on talk back to a teacher in her first day here, wow." I agree equally as shocked.

"I think we're all pretty shocked at that interaction," Jirou adds from behind me.

"I'm not at all shocked," Todoroki mentions from the seat in front of me.

"You mean she's always been like this," I wondered?

"Ever since the day I met y/n she's just done her own thing and say what she wants, no matter who she's talking to," he explains.

The three of us girls all nod understanding. We make small talk for about one minute when we see the door open. Quickly those who got up all race back to their seats.

"Woah woah woah, you guys don't have to worry it's just me," y/n laughed walking through the door.

"Y/n," I doubted seeing her walk in.

"How are you back so soon," Mina asked from beside me?

"And where's Ectoplasm," Jirou added?

"Oh well we were walking but he got a call. He had something important to do so he just let me go, and I'm pretty sure we get the rest of the class off," she explains walking to her desk beside me.

The boys start to throw their stuff back in their bags and girls soon follow. I look around and the class has already lost control with Iida trying to contain them. Y/n has a smirk on her face and I think I'm the only one who really understands besides maybe Todoroki who has the amused look on his face as y/n. Smiling I join in putting away my notebook.

Y/ns POV

I looked around seeing everyone happily talking to each other. Iida was trying to control them all but it was useless. I noticed Momo looking at me confused but then she smiled. I wonder if she figured out what really happened. Shoto definitely knew as he looked at me with the same look he always has whenever I do something like this.

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