Bonus: New Years Pt 4

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Just knock on his door. We have to get up anyways so it's not like it's out of the blue. I'm doing this for a good reason. Right yeah, a good reason.

Ok, here we go. Any second now. Just knock. A simple hand movement. Let's go y/n, you got this. Right. Here we-.

"Are you gonna fucking move or are you gonna keep blocking my door." Katsukis voice from behind me makes me jump.

I turn around quickly and there he is hair slightly wet having obviously just taken a shower, "Oh uh- sorry. I- I-I just wanted to make sure you were awake."

"Obviously I fucking am." He hisses his face reminding me of a horrible time. He's looking at me like he used to. Like when he was dating Camie. Like when he hated me.

And that, now that pissed me off. As Katsuki begins to walk into his room I grab his arm, "Don't fucking look at me like that."

"Excuse me?" He says with a cold tone that almost sends me running.

But I can't run. I have to fight for this. "I said don't fucking look at me like that. I already apologized and you already had your blow up. I get your fucking mad but you don't have the right to look at me like I'm some piece of shit."

"And you don't get the fucking right to use me like your personal doll."

"I said I sorry! God Katsuki! I'm sorry that I'm getting used to all newly gained power and how it changes with my emotions! I'm new to this Katsuki and I ducking panicked!"

"You thought I was going to fucking do something to you without consent! It's not just that panicked it's that you didn't even fucking trust me!"

"I do trust you, I was just scared! I've never done this and I was confused! Sorry I'm completely new to everything about this while you have all the experience in the world!"

"Oh you better fucking not bring that up again! I'm sorry the only fucking dude you almost got with was ducking de-!"

The next moment felt like it went by in slow motion. The way he continued to yell right up until I made him quiet. By slapping him across the face.

Just as stunned as he is I pull my hand back, "Don't say things like that. It can really hurt people. I understand you're mad and that when you get like this you say things you don't mean but still. That doesn't give you the right to say things like that. Now let's both calm down and get in the car, we're leaving in ten minutes."

"Just shut up." He says walking into his room and slamming the door in my face.

Well shit. That definitely could've gone better.

Heyo just poppin to say I do not in anyway promote abuse nor do I think it is ok. I don't agree with how y/n handled this nor do I think what Bakugo said was ok. Both were in the wrong and this conversation was purely to show how every seemingly healthy couple has their toxic moments. Happy reading☺️


"Heya kiddos, ready to pack on in?" Keigo gives an all too happy smile as he greets us standing against one of the three cars we'll be taking to the cabin.

To my left Shoto stands half awake leaning against Momo. Monoma is slouched over while Toshi tries and fails to hold back a yawn.

"I'm ready to go the hell home."' Katsuki surprises everyone being the first to speak. Though he says that he's also the first to throw his stuff in the trunk and pile in the very back of the car. This car is fit to carry Keigo and all the people my age. One passenger seat, three middle row spots, and two back row seats.

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