Happy Pride!!!

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Yeah so the title of this chapter isn't the main point of this but I do wanna say happy pride.

I had just made a comment about it but I realized I would rather make a chapter so it will reach more people.

This chapter is actually gonna be a little insight of the dynamics of our couples in the series.

There's really only four that I touch on, I'm not including Keigo and Mirko because they're only briefly talks about.

Instead I'm gonna focus on y/n and Bakugo (Obviously), Hitoshi and Monoma(🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️), Midnight and Aizawa, and finally Shoto and Momo.

Midnight and Aizawa

Starting off with the last ship to formally get together, it's the parents of our favorite mind controlling twins.

So in this ship I imagine that Midnight is literally all over Aizawa. I mean we all know how horny she is. And that's where I assume y/ns clingy side comes from.

She also absolutely hates seeing him with other girls, party because she's just jealous by nature, but also because of how long she had to go without him.

Aizawa on the other hand is rather reserved and is just about the only one who can contain Midnight. Since they've been close for so long he understands her better than anyone and the same goes for her with him.

The two got engaged after only and year and married one year after that.  During this they formally adopted Eri.


As for the sex part of their relationship, I feel it's pretty obvious what their dynamic is. Midnight is very dominant in bed and like I said, also very horny.

Aizawa is pretty good at controlling himself, especially when they're at work, but a man can only resist Midnight so much.

Oh and also, Aizawa let's Midinight do whatever and I really mean whatever. (Midnights kinky)

And this isn't related to them really but I thought it would be nice to clarify that Eri calls Midnight mom.

Shoto and Momo

Shoto is literally just clueless. Momo has no prior experience either, but she has a basic idea on how couples work.

She doesn't get shy around him anymore since they're formally together and often reprimands him after he says another clueless comment.

From this Shoto has gotten better at picking certain things up and has gotten better at complimenting her. (And not saying she has two left feet)

They got married a year after Y/n and Bakugo. Shoto proposed to Momo after a mission at the park our characters always go to because that's where they had their first date.

Momo was also very scared to meet Endeavor but after seeing how coldly Shoto treats him she didn't fear him much.


Both were virgins and each other's first relationship. They didn't rush things and waited till their two year anniversary to sleep together.

Shotos good in bed and tops but doesn't like to do it much because he is always worried about Momo. She also doesn't like to do it much because she doesn't want Shoto to be uncomfortable ever.

If they're drunk their friends always send them to a different room right away though because all worry goes out the window.

Hitoshi and Monoma

Again in my comment I talked about them a bit but I'll summarize it again.

Basically like his father, Hitoshi is very closed off but actually has his mothers jealous trait.

Also like his father Hitohsi is bad at holding his liquor and will get all over Monoma once he has a little to drink.

On the other hand, Monoma is always all over Hitoshi. At least he tries to be, Hitoshi often tries to push him away in public.

The two were always open about their relationship from the day Hitoshi came out. Mha does take place in the future so I like to think the world is more accepting, although realistically they do still face homophobia from time to time.

They got married the latest, making it official sox months after Shoto and Momo. Hitoshi proposed to Monoma on New Years at the cabin the family stated at in the New Years bonus chapters.

Their kids call Hitoshi dad and Monoma papa/daddy. These two were the most popular options I found online when I was researching so just go with whichever. Or if you like something better you can use that.


Monoma is a tease in bed and also tops. Hitoshi actually hates this and wishes he was more dominant but he really just doesn't stand a chance against him.

Monoma is also how I say "creative" while Hitoshi prefers to stay much more closed off. (Basically Monoma has a lot of kinks)

Y/n and Bakugo

Alright finally, the main couple.

So the story shows their dynamic a lot so I really don't have much to say.

Bakugo does over time get nicer, though he still is considered a dick by his friends.

They were voted Japans hottest couple and both won Japans hottest hero in their respective gender groups. Y/n actually won the worlds hottest hero, but she hated this accomplishment feeling people were too focused on her looks rather then her skills.

They are both openly jealous of the attention the other gets from the opposite sex. I can't really say who is worse because y/n practically kills the flirty person with words while Bakugo actually threatens to kill them.

Bakugo proposed to y/n on her 21st birthday and did it by making a larger and more extravagant version of what he did for her 16th birthday. If you don't recall, it's mentioned in the story that Bakugo is actually rather romantic.

Y/n is extremely clingy and Bakugo is pretty much defenseless against her. And this is without using her quirk, she is just naturally a very alluring person.


And finally the big question. Who is top and who is bottom. And the answer is........they switch!

Both like to say they top but they do switch depending on many things. I like to think y/n tops more because of how persistent she is, and how easily flustered Bakugo gets with her.

And although I feel like this isn't needed, I was actually once asked this, so to clarify, y/n does not use her quirk on Bakugo while in bed. She's not kinky like her mom.

These two probably have the most sex out of the couples, which is fair cause ya know, they're both literally gorgeous. Bakugo is also very gentle with her, at least in the beginning because unlike with the other couples in this one the two didn't have the same level of experience. They did experiment in some stuff but just didn't enjoy it so they keep it rather simple.

Okay well that's it I think, I really enjoyed writing this chapter and giving you guys some more info. It was bit weird talking about Midnight and Aizawas sex life though because ya know they're like y/ns parents but whatever.

Anyways if you have any other questions about these couples or just anything in general don't be afraid to ask.

Have a nice day and happy pride once again!!!!

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