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Momo POV

Garbage. Useless. Waste of space. The way y/n kept looking back at me that's all I could feel for her stare. This y/n stated as we made our way back to main sight of the mission that she formulated a plan that is sure to grant us success. And from her looks I'm almost certain I'm not a real part of it. Was this how the real y/n felt. Is it that without her emotions and heart to cloud her true feelings she really does think I'm unfit to be a hero, that my quirk simply isn't good enough.

"Momo, calm down, you'll waste all your energy freaking out right now." Shoto gives stares at me giving my hand a much needed reassuring squeeze.

Shoto hadn't said much after y/ns reveal about Hawks and Touya. He, like his dad, was trying to keep his composure for the sake of the mission, though even I could sense a bit tiny of sadness behind his eyes.

"Yeah, you're right. Don't worry I'll be ok." I say not wanting to only worry him more. Though I'm reality my mind is anywhere but focused on the mission. Every part of me is separated worrying and overthinking of a different issue. Part of me is thinking over my self esteem, or lack there of. Another part is worried for Shoto, would he be ok? Like really okay? And Bakugo, he's an asshole but he loves that girl and every thing he felt for her was just out into question. And the moment he knew his feelings were true, she turned her emotions off. And then of course, there's y/n herself.

I must say, she's a true mystery. When we first met, I had thought she was just the typical happy teenage girl attending high school. I mean, she has the body for it, the smile, and the personality. But when I got to know her, I saw her facade slowly break away.

In all truth, she hates her body, and showing it off, this being a byproduct of being raised by the r-rated hero Midnight. Her smile is almost always fake, and never reaches her eyes anymore. And from the stories I've heard, her personality is nothing but an act. Though I must say, there are times, when I see her dressed nice for party laughing her ass off with friends, that then I see a completely different y/n. I think I'd like to get to know this y/n more.

"She wasn't always like this you know." Shoto says disrupting my thoughts, as if he read my mind.

"I- uh what?" I say taken aback by how he immediately knew what was on my mind.

"Y/n. The girl you see now is nothing like who I knew. It's sad but y/n fell victim to being seen as a threat in her childhood. It was either that, or being pushed to the point of exhaustion by all those who wanted to see and meet her. They chased after her power, from the young age of 4 all the way till she graduated middle school." He says leading me to be only more curios of y/ns life growing up.

"Who exactly wanted to see and meet her?" I ask trying to be broad with my question to not seem overbearing.

"Anyone from pro-hero's or higher ups in the hero agency. When word got out that there was a young mind controlling prodigy running around, many in the hero world wanted to meet her. They all wanted to see just how powerful and possibly dangerous this girl would be." He answers giving me a slightly bigger insight into what y/n had to deal with. God, did she ever have a normal childhood?

"And with constant people wanting her to use her power that explains why she was in and out of the hospital. As a five year old I couldn't imagine being constantly put to the test of whether or not I was a 'prodigy.'" I empathize not even wanting to imagine all the pain I would have been in as a young girl if jeered in y/ns place.

"Yes, and I'm sure you're well aware y/n wasn't exactly the best behaved child either." Shoto says having me recall the countless moments y/n has either talked back or been asleep in our classes.

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