Movie Date

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"Should be under All Mights name, he should have given you my name." Bakugo tapped his fingers on the counter outside the movie theater. This had been the start of the activities Bakugo and the rest of my friends and family probably had planned to distract me. Not that I really minded all that much.

The theater attendant flipped through a small book before finally landing on one, "Ah yes Katsuki Bakugo and Y/n Kayama?"

"Yeah that's us, can we go in now?" Bakugo pressed already getting impatient.

"I'll just need your Id sir." the attendant smiled as Bakugo grumpily pull out the wallet from his pocket.

Bakugo holds it up right against the glass, "There, now can we leave?"

The man smiles handing us two tickets, "Here you go, enjoy the movies!"

Bakugo snatches the ticket walking towards the door. I trail behind alrighty confused at why he said movies, "Bakugo what are we seeing?"

"The last two Avenger movies, they're like part one and two so we're seeing both." He explains looking up at the numbers on each of the theaters.

"Infinity War and End Game?" I ask excited at the thought of watching my two favorite marvel films.

"Yeah sure, if that's what they're called." He says stopping in front of theater number 7 matching the number on our tickets.

"Oh I'm so excited!" I beam practically running into the theater.

"Idiot." Bakugo mutters following behind me.

When I run in I expect the seats to be filled but taken back when I see me and Bakugo are alone, "No one else is here?"

"It's a school day and these movies are years old. All Might rented the place out for us, just us." Bakugo tells me walking up the side of the theater stopping a few rows before the top, "Here you sit here and I'll go get snacks."

I giddily head to my seat seeing as the commercials start on the screen, "Ok but come back fast or you'll miss all the previews."

"Whatever." He mumbles walking out of the theater.


"Hey loser I'm back." I hear as Bakugo enters the theater coming around the aisle with popcorn and water.

"Bakugo be quiet the previews are going to start soon." I shush him turning my attention back to the screen.

"Oh shut up, I could keep the popcorn for myself you know." He threatens me placing down the waters in our cup holders.

"You wouldn't do that to me though." I point out with him rolling his eyes in return.

"On any other day I would." He tells me holding out the giant bucket of popcorn for me.

For the next few minutes me and Bakugo sat in silence him every now and then holding out the popcorn for me to grab more. By the time the film had already started we were almost half way through the popcorn. And to make it worse anytime I looked at Bakugo he just seemed annoyed. I remember him once mentioning how he wasn't a big fan of subtitles so watching to American films probably wasn't his favorite thing to do.

I knew he was doing it for my sake and probably wouldn't straight up tell me he hated the movies but I didn't want him to suffer through it for five hours. I mean it's nothing like I haven't seen the films 50 times before.

"Hey Bakugo?" I whisper as he finishes chewing another piece of popcorn.

He turns holding out the popcorn, "Did you want more?"

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now