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"Keigo I can walk in my own." I say trying push him off of me even though I know I can't.

"Yeah maybe, but I can't." He laughs reminding me he also nearly died from this mission.

"Whatever." I sigh allowing him to lean on me.

It doesn't taken long for my family to come into view. Everyone was there, everyone but Katsuki. I wonder where he is?

Though I want to be calm in seeing them my mother catches a glimpse of me and it's all over. She points to me crying, "Y/n! MY BABY!OH THANK GOD YOU'RE OK!"

I don't have time react as she sprints towards me pulling me into a huge embrace. Keigo stumbles away leaving just me and my mother. Through her cries I hear her whisper to me, "I'm so unbelievably proud of you y/n. I was so worried though my darling. But you're safe now, that's all that matters. I love you darling."

I don't hug my mother back right away, but something from those words made me remember the last time me and her had hugged. It was the day she nearly died, and that was the last time I ever hugged anyone, or ever said I love you. Crazy I convinced myself I hated her when in reality I shut down part my emotions for her.

I feel a smile come to my face as I hesitantly return her hug. We stand in silence for a moment but as her cries mellow out I whisper just so she can hear, "I love you too mom."

My mothers heavy breathing stops suddenly after hearing the words leave my mouth. I pull away seeing her face in shock. She stares down at me new tears forming, "Y/n you.....you said it. You -you-you said it! Oh my goodness! Everyone! Y/n said she loves me! She said it!" Her yells attracts everyone else over to us, leaving me crowded by my family and friends.

Embarrassed by the attention I look to the ground shrugging, "She's always begging me to say it, figure I'd make her happy at least once."

While most are in shock after finding out I've said I love you Momo just laughs reaching out to hug me, "I'm so glad you're ok, and that you haven't changed a bit."

When we pull away I'm faced with someone I realize I haven't actually resolved things with.....my father.

Though there are obvious tears in his eyes he does his best to hide his emotions looking at me with his usual stoic expression, "Y/n....."

He was waiting to hear what I had to say. I had called him dad in a moment of panic, and he wanted to know if that's how I truly saw him. He didn't want to do anything superficial until I made the first move. Good thing for him, I knew exactly how I saw him.

All I can do is laugh at my fathers serious face giving him a bright smile, "Oh please dad, it's pointless trying to be serious around me."

For one of the first times ever I swear I see a sincere smile on his face as he nearly collapse into me, "I knew you could do it."

"Well you trained me so if I didn't it would've been your fault." I joke quickly hugging him back.

My father stays quiet for a moment before saying something I'm not sure I've ever heard from him, "I love you, you know."

For once I find myself to be the one speechless. It's not like I wasn't happy. Everything had finally come together. I had come to peace with my quirk, I saved the fucking world, and I had someone to call my father. So what was I waiting for? He said he loved me, that's what I wanted to hear from him, right?

"And uh, I know everything's strange right now and I don't know how you'll feel once everything blows over, but as your father, I want you to know just how proud I am of you."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now