New Move

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"AND REMEMBER CHILDREN, YOU ARE ALL HEROS! SO DON'T GO TO FAR AGAINST YOUR OPPONENT!" Uncle might finishes explaining today's one on one activity. All I would have to do is pin down my opponent and I'd win. Easy right?


My uncle Shouta worked with Uncle might to set up the matches. They explained that they looked at our weakness and strengths when pairing us. Obviously they mostly looked at my weaknesses as I was paired with Kaminari. It had become quite evident I was weak against electricity, it feels like I'm physically being stripped of my power. Oh well, I'll still win. It just may be more difficult than usual.

"Y/n and Kaminari it is your turn! You may now approach the arena!" Uncle Might announces. Sighing I stand up from the seating area preparing myself for the match. Before walking out I look over to Momo who's ecstatically giving me a thumbs up while also forcing Shoto give one as well. Looking the other way where Kaminari came from is Kirishima and Bakugo. From the look he was giving now you'd never assume he was my boyfriend.

"Let's just get this over with." I shrug walking out into the arena.

Kaminari walks up next to me, "Hey y/n just so you know even though you're aizawas niece and midnights daughter doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on you."

"Wouldn't expect anything less," I laugh heading over to my starting end. Kaminari stays back setting up. He puts up an offensive position but I notice he doesn't look me in the eyes. Rather he looks at my feet, a way to watch my movements but also avoid me using quirks. This would prove to be even more challenging than expected. To counter I have my hands up like I usually do when me and my uncle begin training. If I was to fight him I'd have to make sure I don't let him get a hold of me. We're in our pe uniforms so he couldn't direct an attack at me but if he used indiscriminate shock I'd most definitely be done for. But he probably wouldn't do that unless his straight forward attacks weren't going anywhere. Hopefully by then I can come up with a counter to that attack.

"OK STUDENTS, YOU MAY BEGIN!" Uncle might calls from the seating area. Just as expected Kaminari is the first to run at me. He goes in for a quick lunch most likely to knock me down to minimize the amount of actual damage he'd actually have to do to me. Luckily with him keeping his head down his aim was just a bit off. I go hit down the punch but at the last second he charges his whole body up with electricity. So that was his plan.

"Not bad Kaminari, purposely putting your punch off for me to easily hit away and then at the last second charging up so if I touch you I fall. Too bad you were a second off." I say dodging out jumping to the left.

Kaminari doesn't look up but I notice he flinches slightly before he prepares another attack. He's quick there's no doubt about that, and my stamina wasn't infinite. The longer I dodged the less effective any of my moves would be. As he goes on attacking I take a moment to look around the arena, examining all my resources.

Momo POV

"No way, is y/n really looking around instead of focusing on the match. She's going to get herself knocked out." I bring up watching the fight unfold between Kaminari and Y/n.

"Don't worry Momo, y/ns just examining the arena. Sure she's doing it in a pretentious way but it's only because this is nothing bad for her." Shoto explains as relaxed as could be.

I turn over to Mr. Aizawa, "Is that really true Mr. Aizawa? I know you two train everyday but y/ns two weaknesses are electricity and that she gets dehydrated really fast with her quirk." I ask him worried.

Mr. Aizawa smiles in return, "Don't worry Momo. Right now y/n is doing exactly what Shoto explained. She is also as he said being quite pretentious about this. Me and her have been trying at top speed for around 2 years. The speed Kaminari is attacking her at right now is what she practiced at when she was 7. She'll be ok for now."

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