Wait we actually learn stuff?

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"Oh shut up" I groaned throwing my extra pillow at my phone. I slowly rose from my bed disarming my alarm. I opened my phone looking at the picture I took with the girls last night. Well actually Momo took it while we were all laughing at something Mina had said. It was weird to see a picture of me genuinely smiling, honestly it was weird to see a picture of me at all. I think last night was one of the best I've had in while. Even training with my uncle was fun.

"Y/n are you up," I heard Momo say knocking on my door.

"Yeah just let me put my uniform on I'll be right out."

"Ok I'll meet you at the stairs."

I walked over to my closet throwing on my uniform. I looked myself over in the mirror and nearly died at the sight of me in a skirt. What the fuck is this outfit. "Ugh no point in complaining now" I said grabbing my bag and exiting my room.

"Hey Momo," I said walking over to my friend waiting at the stairs.

"Hey! Oh my god you look so good in your uniform," she beamed.

"Ha thanks so do you."

"Awe thank you! Now we should go grab some breakfast before we head out."

"Won't ever catch me saying no breakfast."

We both laughing walking into the kitchen.

"No way you guys have Frugra!" I yelled grabbing the bag from the shelf.

"Yeah of course we do a lot of us eat it."

"Oh my god I love this place."

"Tsk" I heard someone mutter as I turn to see Bakugo walk into the kitchen.

"You're up early Bakugo," Momo stated.

"I have to train, why are you up early you never train."

"Ok first off rude and second off I'm going to walk y/n and show her around before class"

"I really don't care extras"

"Hey asshole you're the one who asked," I called to him.

"Excuse me?"

"Well Momo said you're up early and you it's because you're training and you asked why we're up early. Momo explained and you said you don't care, but you asked. That's all."

"Your name is y/n right," he said taking a step closer to me.

"Yeah why," I said stepping closer to him.

"I like to remember the names of people I'm going to crush," he said glaring down at me.

We were less than a foot away from each other and I wasn't backing away. I'm not sure if it was meant as a challenge but that's how I looked at it. I met his glare starting right back at his piercing red eyes.

Agitation was coursing through my veins. Who did this jack ass think he was walking around like he was already the number one hero. I just wanted to ugh-

"Wow speechless, and here I was thinking you might actually be entertaining to fight," he fake yawned.

"Oh you little piece of-"

"Y/n? Oh there you are, I thought I heard your voice," my uncle entered the kitchen and quickly Bakugo backed away. "Is everything ok in here?" He asked looking between me and Bakugo.

"Yeah of course Uncle Shouta, why are you here," I asked innocently?

"I came to see if you'd be willing to do a little extra training," he said still suspicious

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now